Kagehina (Hinata gets stuck in the net)

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Practice just ended and Hinata and Kageyama stayed a little after to practice there quick. "Hey, dumbass stop goofing around!!" Kageyama yells.

Hinata rolls his eyes and he looks at Kageyama. "Nothing gonna happen I'll be fine," Hinata laughs as he jumps in the air.

"Calm down let me set this to you," Kageyama groans. Hinata quickly nodded and he got in position. Kageyama set him the ball and Hinata ran up to the next. A little too close to the net. When Hinata jumped he well, got stuck in the net somehow. He had both hands and one of his feet stuck.

"Kageyama!!!" Hinata yells struggling a little to get out of the net. Kageyama was used to this, at every practice, Hinata would manage to get something stuck in the net, he would help him with small things stuck but Daichi and Suga would help Hinata what his whole body would be stuck.

"See I told you not to goof off," Kageyama snickers as he watches the redhead struggling. He walks over to the boy stuck in the net and helps him get his hands down. He kept his hands on his hips and slowly pulled off. "What the hell were you thinking," Kageyama mumbles. "You know you shouldn't goof off like that, you could get hurt," Kageyama mumbles getting soft as he noticed the wet eyes from Hinata.

"I'm sorry," Hinata mumbles looking down.

Hinata's foot wouldn't come loose from the net somehow and Kageyama pulled the boy hard. Soon enough his foot came loose but the two boys fell to the floor. Hinata was on Kageyama's chest and Kageyama still had his arms around Hinata. "Ow, damn it," Kageyama mumbles rubbing his head. "Are you okay?" Kageyama asks sitting up a little.

"Yeah," Hinata mumbles sitting up as well. He looks over at Kageyama and didn't notice how close the two were. Hinata bit his lip softly and glanced down at Kageyama's lips.

Hinata has had a crush on Kageyama for a while now, he has weird little cute moment with him and other times they had awkward moments like this one.

Kageyama didn't notice the distance from each other either.

Kageyama has also had a crush on Hinata for a while. He loved how energetic the small boy was and how much he'd make him happy.

Hinata kept his top teeth on his bottom lip biting a little hard. Kageyama moves his hand to Hinata cheek and put his thumb on Hinata's lip. "Don't bite your lip like that," Kageyama mumbles.

Hinata's face quickly filled with a blush and he soon looked into Kageyama's eyes. He knew where Kageyama was looking and it was his lips. "Okay," Hinata mumbles softly.

Kageyama smiles a little and soon enough he leaned in for the kiss. Hinata's face went redder but he kisses back.

"Hey!!!" Someone yells from outside the gym. Hinata and Kageyama both jump there's eyes wide. They knew that voice, they remember the last time Daichi showed up and caught the two.

"Shit," Kageyama mumbles. "Clean up fast," Kageyama says.

Hinata nods and gets off Kageyama. The two never put the net back faster in there life until tonight. Thank god when Daichi came in the two were hiding in the storage room. "Guess they didn't turn off the lights," Daichi mumbles when he walked in seeing the gym cleaned up. He rolls his eyes and turns off the lights sighing to himself. "Stupid Suga making me come back here to get HIS jacket," Daichi grumbles as he leaves the gym. Hinata and Kageyama finally can breathe when the gym door closes. They sigh in relief and walk out of the storage room. "Let's wait a little until he's really gone," Hinata mumbles glancing out the window.

Many awkward minutes went by and Hinata and Kageyama finally left the gym. They ran to the club room but were stopped by of course Daichi. "I knew you guys were here," Daichi yells.

Hinata jumps quickly and hides behind Kageyama. "H-how," Hinata stutters.

"Your stuff was still in the club room," Daichi says glaring at the too. "It's late you too, you guys should be in bed right now," Daichi sighs. "Just hurry up and change, keys?" Daichi says and holds his hand out.

"There in the club room," Kageyama says. Daichi nods and walks back up, the two first years following behind slowly. They walk into the club room and Kageyama grabs the keys from his bag. He hands them to Daichi and changed quickly.

Daichi left the room and silence was still in the room. Hinata changed quickly and walked out quickly apologizing to Daichi. "You guys can't stay late, your lucky we don't have Morning practice tomorrow or I would be even madder," Daichi grumbles waiting for Kageyama. Hinata nods and quickly walks off to get his bike.

Something though finally caught up to Hinata. "Kageyama kissed me, I just kissed Kageyama," Hinata mumbles his face red. His eyes widen and he runs to his bike quickly. "Fuck what am I gonna do," Hinata mumbles.

"Hey hurry up," Kageyama yells to Hinata. Hinata looks over at Hinata and he nods quickly run over to him. He bit his lip and looked down his face still filled with a blush. "Don't bite your lip," Kageyama mumbles. Hinata nods and he looks at Kageyama.

"C-can we talk about the kiss?" Hinata asks slowly wrapping his pinky around Kageyama's.

Kageyama quickly had his own blush and he grabbed Hinata's hand holding it. Kageyama nods and he looks down squeezing Hinata's hand.

"W-what are we?" Hinata asks.

"Whatever you wanna be," Kageyama mumbles. "But id prefer boyfriends," Kageyama smirks.

"O-okay boyfriends then," Hinata smiles.

The two walk for a while until they got to where their paths separated. "See you tomorrow," Kageyama says letting go of Hinata's hand slowly. He started to walk away but stopped when Hinata grabbed his arm. "What?" Kageyama asks. Hinata quickly kisses Kageyama on the lips and Kageyama was stunned for a second. But when his moment of being stunned was over he kissed back quickly. Hinata dropped his bike and he wraps both his arms around Kageyama's neck slowly pulling Kageyama closer. Kageyama wrapped his arms around Hinata's waist smirking. When the two pulled away they were breathing heavily.

Hinata smiles and looks down biting his lip again. "Stop that," Kageyama mumbles quickly putting his hand on Hinata's cheek and his thumb on Hinata's lip. The two stood in that position for a few minutes until Hinata pecked Kageyama on the lips.

"I have to get home," Hinata sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow though," Hinata says pulling away from Kageyama.

"Alright," Kageyama sighs and pouts softly.

"See you tomorrow, boyfriend," Hinata smiles as he gets on his bike and bikes off. Kageyama chuckles and he smiles to himself. Soon enough Kageyama walked home very happy.

Okay, this was cute thanks for whoever reads this.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now