Oikawa is genderfluid(MatsuHanaIwaoi)

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Gonna be a bunch of stuff in one. 

"Oikawa, baby get up," Matsun says as he walks into the room. 

"Mhhh," Oikawa mumbles. 

"Come on get up," Iwaizumi says and sits next to Oikawa. 

"Mhh tired," Oikawa whines. 

"Oikawa come on, we're gonna go eat out for breakfast," Makki smiles a little. 

Oikawa groans and shoves there face in a pillow. "I'm tired," Oikawa whines. 

Iwaizumi sighs and lays next to Oikawa. "We will leave you here," Iwaizumi sighs. 

Oikawa whines and hugs Iwaizumi. "Fine," Oikawa yawns. 

"Good, what are you today?" Makki asks. 

"I'll tell you when I get ready," Oikawa sighs and sits up. "Now get out," Oikawa yawns. 

The three of them roll there eyes and walk out. Makki shuts the door and looks at Iwaizumi and Matsun. "Wanna bet on what they'll be today?" Makki asks. 

"Sure," Mattsun smiles. "I think he'll be a boy," Mattsun smiles. 

"Girl," Iwaizumi says. 

"Boy," Makki smiles as he sits on the couch. "10 bucks," Makki smiles. 

"Be ready to give me 10 bucks then," Iwaizumi smirks. 


Oikawa sighs and stands up. "Boy or girl," Oikawa mumbles. "Girl," Oikawa smiles. She walks to the closet and blues out a light blue skirt and an alien shirt. She smiles and puts the outfit. She puts on a black pair of knee-high socks and soon looks around for black converse. Oikawa smiles and soon looks into the mirror. "Makeup," Oikawa says as she walks into the bathroom. Oikawa doesn't really do a big makeup thing. She usually does a light foundation and then eyeliner. Other days she may do eyeshadow but today she didn't want to. She puts the foundation on and then puts the eyeliner on. When she finished she grabbed her phone and ran out of the room down to her boyfriends. "I'm ready," Oikawa smiles. 

Her three boyfriends smile at her and soon Iwaizumi smirks at Makki and Matsun. "Alright, let's go then," Makki grumbles and stands up. 

Mattsun sighs and looks over at Oikawa. He soon smiles and stands up. "Lord you look great in a skirt," Mattsun smirks. 

Iwaizumi nods and grabs Oikawa's hand. "To the car," Makki smiles and runs off with Mattsun. 

Oikawa and Iwaizumi follow after the two and soon Iwaizumi gets in the driver's side. Makki was in the front already so Oikawa and Mattsun got in the back. Oikawa looked through her Instagram while Makki and Matsun jammed to the radio. Iwaizumi drove to a restaurant and soon enough they got there. Makki and Mattsun got out and Oikawa and Iwaizumi followed after them. "Oikawa," Iwaizumi says and holds his hand out. 

"What?" Oikawa asks. She soon realized and pouted. "Whyyyyy," Oikawa whines. 

"Give it," Iwaizumi says. Oikawa pouts and hands her phone to Iwaizumi. The four walk into the restaurant and Oikawa quickly felt insecure. He rarely went out as a girl and she could feel eyes on him. She stood behind Makki and kept her head down. Makki looks at Oikawa and quickly knew what was wrong. 

"Hey, it doesn't matter what they think," Makki smiles and looks at Oikawa. 

Oikawa just nods and she pulls down on her skirt. The four sat down and Oikawa quickly got in the booth. Iwaizumi sat next to Oikawa and grabbed her hand under the table. "You look great today by the way," Iwaizumi smiles. Oikawa nods again and quickly looks through the menu. 

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