Trans Yamaguchi (Tsukiyama)

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Tsukishima sighs as he walks towards his boyfriend's house. He knocks on the door and smiles at Mrs. Yamaguchi. "Tsukishima, welcome, Tadashi is up in his room." She smiles.

"Thanks," Tsukishima smiles and walks in. He walks up towards Yamaguchi's room and opens the door clearly pissed. "Hinata and Kageyama we're fucking in the club room again, I'm gonna kill........ them," Tsukishima stops as he sees Yamaguchi in the middle of putting his binder on. Yamaguchi's face in red and Tsukishima is standing there still.

"U-Uh," Yamaguchi stutters as he puts his binder on all the way. He throws his shirt on and quickly and looks back at his boyfriend.

Tsukishima had the door closed and he stared at Yamaguchi. "When we're you gonna tell me?" He asks.

"I don't know," Yamaguchi mumbles.

"That's why you were feminine when we were younger," Tsukishima sighs. Yamaguchi just nods and sits on his bed.

"I was gonna tell you, I swear," Yamaguchi says. "I just didn't know how to tell you," Yamaguchi sighs tears coming to his eyes. "I-I'm really sorry, y-you probably hate me now," Yamaguchi mumbles tears slowly falling down his face. "G-God you hate me, don't you, I-If you wanna break up I understand," Yamaguchi cries. Tsukishima just rolls his eyes and walks to Yamaguchi.

"I'm not gonna break up with," Tsukishima smiles and sits next to Yamaguchi. "I won't ever hate you," Tsukishima says. "I love you for you, Yamaguchi, I don't care whatever you are, if your a god damn worm I'll still love you," Tsukishima chuckles. Yamaguchi smiles a little and soon hugs Tsukishima.

"I love you too," Yamaguchi smiles as he wipes his eyes. "But if you were a worm, I would have to break up with you," Yamaguchi chuckles.

"Wow," Tsukishima chuckles. "I'm hurt," Tsukishima smiles. Yamaguchi rolls his eyes and soon kisses Tsukishima. Tsukishima kisses back and the two quickly made out.


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now