Oikawa gets spanked in front of the team. IwaOi

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So there was a story where Oikawa spanked Iwaizumi in front of the team, but I wanted to make it the other way around so. 

"Make sure to be here early tomorrow, we have a game after school vs Karasuno," Iwaizumi says to everyone in the locker room. 

"We know," Oikawa mumbles. He sighs and sits down on the bench. Iwaizumi glares at his boyfriend and soon sits next to him. 

"Stop being a brat," Iwaizumi mumbles. Oikawa just ignores him and takes his knee pads off. "Oikawa," Iwaizumi says and grabs his chin. "You've been a brat all day just to get my attention, first you get to close to your fangirls, then you hit me multiple times during practice and know you're ignoring," Iwaiuzmi glares. 

"Maybe if you were paying attention to me this wouldn't happen," Oikawa mumbles while looking away. Now that was the last straw for Iwaizumi. "Iwa-Chan," Oikawa yells when he got pulled over Iwaizumi lap. This of course got the rest of the team to look over. "Let me go," Oikawa whines trying to getaway. 

"Shut up," Iwaizumi says and slaps Oikawa ass. Oikawa shuts up at this and looks over to see Makki and Mattsun on the verge of dying. He glares at the two and soon covers his face. "This is what happens when you act like a brat," Iwaizumi smirks and spanks Oikawa again. 

Everyone on the team watches there eyes a little wide. It was weird watching their captain get spanked. Mattsun and Makki soon break out into laughter but were shut up by a glare from Iwaizumi. 

"Iwa-Chan please," Oikawa mumbles his face red from embarrassment.  

"Shush, maybe if you didn't act like a brat this wouldn't happen," Iwaizumi says. Iwaizumi spanks Oikawa a few times and soon enough the team starts to pack up quickly. They all heard everything some uncomfortable and others knowing their captain deserved it. They all just wanted to leave though knowing things will escalate with there captains pretty fast. 

Oikawa covered his mouth praying that everyone would just leave. He knows for a fact, no one will ever let him live this down. Iwaizumi just kept going, getting harder every time. Oikawa kinda wished he didn't date a spiker though, cause his light ones still hurt. "I-Iwa-chan," Oikawa stutters. 

"Shush," Iwaizumi mumbles as he leaves one last hard one. Iwaizumi looks up at the team and sighs. "This is what happens when you act like a brat," Iwaizumi says and glances over at Mattsun and Makki. Oikawa hides his face in his arm and yelps when Iwaizumi spanked him one last time. "Hurry up and pack up," Iwaizumi grumbles. Oikawa nods and he's never packed up faster. The moment he picked his bag up Iwaizumi dragged him towards the door. "Mattsun lock up," Iwaizumi says and throws Mattsun the keys. Mattsun nods still holding his laughter back. "I can't believe I had to do that in front of the team," Iwaizumi sighs. 

"You didn't have too," Oikawa yells and gets away from Iwaizumi's grip. He starts to walk quicker and Iwaizumi just rolls his eyes. 

"Shouldn't have acted like a brat then," Iwaizumi smirks. 

"Shut up," Oikawa yells and keeps walking. 


When the two got to Oikawa's house Iwaizumi dragged Oikawa upstairs. He pinned Oikawa to the wall and kissed him roughly. Oikawa moaned at the kiss and soon kissed back. "Gotta deal with my brat," Iwaizumi smirks dragging Oikawa to the bed. 


The next day was bad. Mattsun and Makki kept making fun of Oikawa, while some people didn't listen to him. They all listened to Iwaizumi though which pissed Oikawa off. 

"Make sure you're, not a brat today," Mattsun smirks and slaps Oikawa's ass. 

"Yeah, or maybe we'll have to spank you this time," Makki chuckles also slapping Oikawa's ass. 

"I hate you guys," Oikawa mumbles. 

I tried again. Sorry if it's bad. 

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