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I thought I should change the title so yeah


When college came for all of the Karasuno members. They were all in colleges near each other. The first years all went to the same college luckily, and all the third years and all the second years went to the same college. Of course though Daichi was in pain having to deal with Noya and Tanaka again. Both the colleges were about 20 minutes away, and they all would meet up at one dorm or a volleyball net every week.

Daichi and Suga started to date, and Noya and Asahi dated as well. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were still dating since there third year, and Kageyama and Hinata, they were friends. Hinata was in a relationship with some guy he met at college. His name was Akuma. They hit it off in one of Hinata's classes and hung out more. When they started dating Hinata slowly started to hang out with his friends less. He went to volleyball still cause no one was gonna stop him from going. But their relationship was going great... until... Akuma hit Hinata.


"I don't wanna do anything Akuma," Hinata mumbles as Akuma kisses Hinata's neck.

"Aw come on please," Akuma smirks as he moves his hands to Hinata's pants.

"Akuma," Hinata mumbles as he tries to push it away.

"Come on," Akuma mumbles as he unzips Hinata's pants.

"AKUMA!!! I SAID NO!!!" Hinata yells as he pushes him away. That's when Hinata got hit.

"Don't you fucking say no to me," He glares and stands up. He puts his jacket on and leaves Hinata alone.

Hinata was left speechless. He touched his cheek where he got hit and that's when he broke. He started to cry. No, he started to sob. He laid under his covers and fell asleep crying.


The hitting kept going. If Hinata did anything bad he would get hit, anywhere, he'd get hit where ever Akuma wanted to. Hinata was barely allowed to see his friends anymore and now he was staying in Akuma's apartment. Hinata thought the hitting was fine since he grew up to his friends hitting him, so he loved Akuma still. He thought everyone was good. Until Akuma didn't listen.

Hinata wasn't ready. He didn't want to do it. But Akuma was drunk and didn't listen. Hinata woke up hurt and when he realized what happened. He started crying.

Hinata went to volleyball still. He acted like everything was ok, but Tsukshima, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi knew something was wrong. Hinata had bruises on his stomach and back and went to practice with red marks on his face. They'd ask about it but Hinata just said he fell or dropped a book or his phone on his face. They ignored it and didn't wanna talk about it at practice.

Hinata had dealt with the nonconsent sex. It's not like they did it every day, it was usually once a week. Akuma yelled, called him names, and hit him daily now. He'd call him an annoying brat, or a stupid shorty. The second one usually hit the hardest for Hinata since he was insecure about his height. Hinata thought Akuma was doing the right thing, but oh boy was he wrong.


Kageyama was going through a rough time. When he found out his one and only crush/best friend started dating some random dude, it hurt him. He wanted Hinata to be with him, not some jerk. Kageyama could tell something was wrong with the relationship when Hinata came to practice with bruises. He'd ask about it a lot but Hinata would lie. He knew he could just ask later but he didn't want to make a scene.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now