Kagehina (Sick Hinata)

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When Hinata didn't show up for morning practice everyone was worried. "Where could he be?" Noya asks.

"Oh god, what if he fell off his bike and got hit by a car, what if he was kidnapped," Suga mumbles his mom instincts quickly showing up.

"Suga, he's probably just running late," Daichi says as he comforts Suga.

Kageyama was worried, very worried but he didn't show it, he sat calmly with his phone in his hands waiting for Hinata to text something. When he got nothing he quickly sent a text.

Where are you

He waited and waited until his phone buzzed.

I'm sick, not coming to school

"Dumbass," Kageyama sighs and looks at everyone. "Hinata's home, sick," Kageyama sighs and stands up.

"Thank god," Suga sighs in relief and looks at Kageyama. "You wanna go check up on him?" Suga asks.

Kageyama nods and quickly packs his bag. Everyone could tell Kageyama was worried when the guy was sitting not saying anything. Kageyama ran quickly off the campus and walked towards Hinata's house. "Better not be dead when I get there," Kageyama mumbles.


Hinata groans his hands on the toilet. "What the hell did I eat," Hinata mumbles. He flushes the toilet and lays on the bathroom floor. "I'm gonna die here," Hinata sighs.

"Dumbass no your not," Hinata heard making him jump.

"AHHH WH- KAGEYAMA!!!! Don't scare me like that," Hinata whines looking at his boyfriend.

"Be happy I'm here," Kageyama grumbles glaring at Hinata. His eyes soon soften when Hinata shot up and threw up again.

Hinata whines when he finishes and he sighs. "Kageyama," Hinata whines. "It hurts," Hinata says closing his eyes. Kageyama sighs and he moves to the floor.

"You'll be ok," Kageyama says. Hinata started throwing up again and Kageyama rubbed Hinata's back. "Let it out," Kageyama mumbles.

When Hinata stopped he flushed the toilet and looked at Kageyama. "I think I ate something bad," Hinata mumbles. He lays on the floor for a good few minutes, Kageyama ran off to grab water and when he came back he saw Hinata sitting up. "I don't think I'll throw up anymore," Hinata mumbles. Kageyama nods and gets back on the floor. He hands Hinata the water and Hinata slowly drinks it. "Why are you here, isn't their practice?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah, but I wanted to come and take care of you," Kageyama smiles. Hinata laughs a little and drinks more of the water. 

"Carry me to my bed," Hinata whines as he opens his arms. 

Kageyama rolls his eyes and he picks Hinata up. "If you throw up on me, I'll drop you and leave," Kageyama chuckles and walks out of the bathroom. He walks to Hinata's bed and sets him on it gently. "Do you need anything else?" Kageyama asks. 

"A bucket and your cuddles," Hinata giggles. Kageyama smiles and stands up walking back into the bathroom. He grabs the trash can and sets it down next to Hinata's bed. He then gets in and pulls Hinata close. "Thanks, Kageyama," Hinata mumbles and hugs Kageyama tight. 

"No problem, now sleep," Kageyama smiles cuddling with Hinata. 

"Ok, love you," Hinata smiles. 

"Love you too dumbass," Kageyama chuckles and notices as Hinata drifts off into sleep. 

The two then fell asleep together and Hinata, Hinata got a lot better. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now