Hinata in a skirt (many ships)

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KINDA IDEA FROM Ao3. Kinda. I read it awhile go so like kinda some stuff from one Ao3 story.

"Nii-chan!!!" Natsu yells as she opens up Hinata's door.

Hinata yawned and rubbed his eyes, glancing over to his sister. "What Natsu?" Hinata yawns.

"Mom says you have to take me to the fair," Natsu smiles.

Hinata yawns again and sits up. "Alright," Hinata mumbles as he stretches his arms. "Did mom go to work?" Hinata asks.

"Yep," Natsu smiles. "Hurry up and get ready," Natsu smiles as she skips off. Hinata yawns again and stands up.

He picks his phone and smiles as he sees a text from Kageyama.

K: Wanna come over?

H: I would love to, but I have to take Natsu out, we can hang out later though

K: Alright

H: Bye, I hope I can see you later

K: Yeah yeah, go have fun with your sister

H: I will. Love you <3

K: Love you too

Hinata chuckles a little and leaves his room. "NII-CHAN!!!" Natsu yells from her bedroom.

"WHAT!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!" Hinata yells back, quickly panicking. Hinata dashed to her room and looked to see she was okay.

"I wanna wear a skirt," Natsu mumbles.

"So, just wear one," Hinata smiles as he walks to his sister.

"Can you wear one with me?" She asks.

Hinata smiles and yawns again. "Sure, now get ready," Hinata smiles and ruffles his sister's hair.

"HEY!!!" Natsu whines as Hinata leaves her room. "You have to do my hair," Natsu yells.

Hinata just rolls his eyes and walks off to his room. He looks through his closet and looks at the skirts he has. He'd got them so Natsu wouldn't be scared of wearing skirts. I mean, he liked them too, so it was a win-win. He picks out a light blue one and picks out a nice black shirt to wear. He changed into them and looked in the mirror. "God, I wish I could wear these more," Hinata smiles. He glances down at his legs and smiles. He shaved his legs the first time he had to wear a skirt and just kept doing it since. He just liked it.

"Nii-chan!!! My hair!!!" Natsu smiles as he runs into Hinata's room. Natsu was wearing a pink skirt and a white shirt. "You look pretty Nii-Chan!!!" Natsu cheers.

Hinata rolls his eyes and picks his sister up. "Let's do your hair quick," Hinata chuckles. He starts to put her hair in pigtails, and when he finished, Natsu cheered.

"FAIR!!!" Natsu cheers and runs to the front door. Hinata smiles and stands up. He grabs a small bag he has and puts his phone and some money in there. He walks to the kitchen and grabs his house keys. Hinata walks to the front door and sees Natsu there with her shoes on. "Hurry up," Natsu smiles.

"I am," Hinata mumbles and puts his shoes on. "Be happy I'm taking you," Hinata says and walks out of the house. Natsu walks out as well, and Hinata shuts and locks the door. "Should take us a few minutes to walk there," Hinata smiles as he picks up Natsu. Natsu giggles, and Hinata starts to walk to where the fair was.


When the two kids got to the fair, Natsu looked very happy. "Can we get food?" Natsu asks.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now