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Oikawa sighs as he walks into the clubroom. "God my back hurts," Oikawa whines before he carefully sits on the bench. 

"I told you you shouldn't have overworked yourself," Iwaizumi mumbles. "Is your knee hurting?" Iwaizumi asks before sitting next to Oikawa. 

"It's fine, but you may have to carry me home Iwa-chan," Oikawa whines before dramatically laying himself on Iwaizumi's lap. 

"Pda much," Makki smirks. 

"Shut up, Makki at least were not making out like you and Mattsun," Oikawa says. 

"Hey, no one cared," Mattun smiles. 

"You scared poor Kindaichi," Oikawa whines before standing up. 

"He lived," Makki smirks before changing. Oikawa just rolls his eyes and walks to his bag. Iwaizumi follows him and soon the two take their shirts off. 

The whole team glanced over when they noticed scratch marks on Iwaizumi's back. "Iwaizumi? Did you get attacked by a cat?" Kindaichi asks. 

Iwaizumi looks at him before he looks at his back in the mirror. His eyes go wide but soon went dark when he looked over at Oikawa. 

"Kindaichi my poor boy, those are not scatches from a cat, they are from our dear old captain," Makki chuckles while leaning his arm on Kindaichi's shoulder. 

"W-What?" Kindaichi asks quickly looking at Makki. 

Oikawa's face was red and he prayed Iwaizumi wouldn't be too mad. "Hurry up and change," Iwaizumi says before putting a shirt on. 

Oikawa nods and quickly changes as well. "We all knew you were the bottom," Mattsun smirks. 

Oikawa just rolls his eyes and picks his bag up. "Please lock up Makki," Iwaiuzmi says before throwing the keys on Makki. 

"I'll try," Makki smirks. Soon enough Iwaizumi dragged Oikawa out of the clubroom and out of the school. 

"Iwa-Chan please don't be too mad," Oikawa whines. 

"I'm not," Iwaizumi says. 

"What?" Oikawa asks. 

"You said I couldn't mark you, but now I get to," Iwaizumi smirks. Oikawa's eyes went wide and his face goes red. 

"I-Iwa-chan, you can't," Oikawa stutters. 

"You did, I think I deserve to," Iwaizumi smirks. 


When the two got to Oikawa's house Iwaizumi dragged Oikawa upstairs. When Oikawa shut his door Iwaizumi attacked his neck. "I-Iwa-chan," Oikawa whines. 

"Shush," Iwaizumi mumbles. Oikawa whimpers before he shuts his eyes. Iwaizumi sucked and bit on Oikawa's neck leaving as many marks as he could. Soon Iwaizumi pulled off Oikawa's shirt and started to mark his shoulders and collar bone. 

"I-Iwa-chan," Oikawa whines. He moans softly as one of Iwaizumi's hands played with one of his nipples. "Mh fuck," Oikawa groans. "F-Fuck me please," Oikawa moans. 

Iwaizumi smirks and soon picked up Oikawa. He laid Oikawa on the bed and quickly pulled off Oikawa's pants and boxers. "I want you to beg," Iwaizumi says before biting onto Oikawa's thigh. 

"W-What," Oikawa whines. 

"Beg," Iwaizumi smirks while leaving many marks. 

Oikawa bites his lip and looks at Iwaizumi before looking at the ceiling. "I-Iwa-chan please I need to fucked so bad, right now, p-please," Oikawa says. "P-Please, fuck me hard, make it so I can't walk tomorrow," Oikawa begs. Oikawa lets a loud moan out when Iwaizumi stuck his cock in Oikawa. 

"Your lucky I happened to have lube with me," Iwaizumi smirks. 

Oikawa moans loudly as Iwaizumi thrusts into him. "Y-Your so big," Oikawa moans. 

"I know," Iwaizumi smirks before biting Oikawa's neck. Oikawa gasps and moans louder. 

"F-Fuck," Oikawa moans. "I-I love your cock," Oikawa groans. 

"I love your tiny hole," Iwaizumi smirks thrusting faster. 

Oikawa closes his eyes tight as he fells himself about to cum. "F-Fuck," Oikawa cries. "I-I'm g-gonna cum," Oikawa moans. 

Iwaizumi smirks and grips onto Oikawa's hips. The two moan when they both come at the same time. "Shit," Oikawa says breathing heavily. 

"You look even prettier with those marks on you," Iwaizumi says while pulling out of Oikawa. 

"Even Prettier?" Oikawa asks. 

"Oh hush, you know your pretty," Iwaizumi smiles. Oikawa chuckles before cuddling up to Iwaizumi. "Not yet, I need to clean us up," Iwaizumi says before getting off the bed. 

Oikawa whines but lets Iwaizumi clean him up. 


The next day when Oikawa changed his shirt Kindaichi again was fucking terrified while the rest of the team was ever disappointed or laughing their asses off. 

Oh boy. 

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