MatsuMakkiIwaOi (Oikawa relapse)

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Sensitive topic, disclaimer there will be cutting, talking about anxiety and depression, and abuse, so if these are sensitive topics to you then don't read. 

Okay, let's start this now. 

"Hurry your ass up Lazy-Kawa," Iwaziumi yells as he leaves the clubroom. 

"Yeah Oikawa, come on or we're leaving you," Mattsun says as he follows Iwaizumi out. 

"We will leave you this time," Makki yells as he leaves as well. 

"Give me a second," Oikawa whines as he packs his bag up. A few minutes passed by and Oikawa grabbed his bag. "Alright let's go," Oikawa smiles as he shuts the clubroom door and locks it. He was expecting an ok or a hurry up but he got neither, he heard nothing. "Iwa-Chan? Makki? Mattsun?" Oikawa yells loudly. He heard nothing again. "Good for nothing boyfriends leaving me to walk alone in dark," Oikawa pouts and leaves the school. Oikawa pulled his phone out and almost called one of his boyfriends until he voted against it. "They would have stayed if they wanted to talk to me," Oikawa mumbles and puts his hands in his pockets. Oikawa walked home in silence thoughts going through his head. 

"They left you cause they hate you now,"

"You should have just killed yourself when you had the chance," 

"They'll never love someone like you," 

"Stop," Oikawa mumbles and covers his ears. He had voices in his head always telling him these things, it stopped for a while but would come back sometimes. 

"No one loves you,"

"You suck at what you do,"

"Just die,"

Oikawa felt tears well up in his eyes and he quickly ran to his house when he saw it in the distance. 

"They all hate you," 

"You should have died,"

 "No one will ever love you,"

"Your just a stupid fag,"

Oikawa opened his front door and entered quickly. The voices stopped when he entered his house and Oikawa felt his breathing slow down. 

"Tooru," Oikawa's mom yelled inside the house. "What took you so long?" Oikawa's mom asks. 

"Oh, Makki and Mattsun made the team do extra laps and serves," Oikawa chuckles and walks to the fridge. He looks through it but didn't grab anything. 

"So, your dad wants to talk to you, on the phone," Oikawa's mom sighs. "You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to, but he wanted to ask how you were doing," Oikawa's mom says. 

Oikawa's eyes widened, after the years of abuse his dad put him through why would be want to ask how he was doing. "I-I'll call him," Oikawa mumbles. Oikawa's mom nods and she quickly pulls her phone out and dials the number. 

"If he starts to yell at you just hung up, I'll be upstairs okay," Oikawa's mom says as she hands Oikawa the phone. Oikawa nods slowly and takes it. He breaths in and soon put the phone to his ear. 

He heard it ring and ring and ring until someone did pick up. "Hello?" Oikawa's dad asks. 

"H-Hey dad," Oikawa mumbles. 

"Tooru, oh you actually called," Oikawa's dad says. 

"Yeah, so what did you wanna talk about?" Oikawa asks. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now