Day 3: IwaOi (Family Visting)

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"Iwa-chan there gonna be here any minute," Oikawa whines as he quickly starts to clean up the kitchen. 

"Why did we invite them over again?" Iwaizumi asks as he watches Oikawa clean up the mess. 

"Because we have the biggest house and the most rooms," Oikawa mumbles and quickly puts the dishes in the dishwasher. 

"Is this why you wanted to waste our money on a big house?" Iwaizumi chuckles. 

"Well yeah, I wanna show how much better I am than my brother and sister," Oikawa grumbles and he soon sits on the counter. 

"You always were better than them," Iwaizumi smiles as he walks to Oikawa. 

"How?" Oikawa asks and wraps his arms around Iwaizumi's neck and pulls him close. 

"Well, you were one of the best volleyball setters in the country, you had amazing fans, you had a boyfriend who loved you, well kinda," Iwaizumi smirks. 

"SO MEAN IWA-CHAN!!!" Oikawa yells and pushes Iwaizumi away. Iwaizumi just laughed and he grabs one of Oikawa's arms and pulls him off the counter. 

"Everythings clean right?" Iwaiuzmi asks as he kisses Oikawa's cheek. Oikawa nods and he wraps his arms around Iwaizumi's neck again and pulls him into a kiss. "Good," Iwaizumi mumbles into the kiss. The two's kiss quickly started to get heated, Iwaiuzmi started to slowly move the kisses down to Oikawa's neck and slowly sucked, he was on the third one when the doorbell went off. 

Oikawa groaned and he pouts. "Let's act like we're not here so maybe they'll come back later," Oikawa smiles. 

"No come on, we can finish this later," Iwaizumi says and drags Oikawa to the door. Iwaizumi opens the door and he smiles as he looks at Oikawa's older brother, older sister, and Oikawa's mom. 

"Hey, mom, Hey Aiko, (beloved child) Hey Samuru, (His name is god)" Oikawa smiles and waves. 

"Tooru sweety it's been forever, I missed you," Oikawa's mother says and quickly hugs Oikawa. 

Iwaizumi chuckles softly and he stares at Oikawa's brother and sister. "Hey, how are you guys? It's been a while," Iwaizumi states. 

"Iwaizumi, look at you, your all grown up," Aiko smiles and hugs Iwaizumi. 

Iwaizumi hugs back and he glances over at Oikawa. Oikawa was still trapped in a death hug from his mom. Aiko pulls away and she picks her bags back up. "Hey Iwaizumi," Samuru says and puts his hand put to shake. 

"Hey," Iwaizumi says and shakes his hand. "I'll show you guys to your rooms while Emi (Pronounced Amy and means blessing or picture) is still talking to Oikawa," Iwaizumi says and takes Aiko's bags. 

"Such a gentleman, can't believe Tooru got someone as good as you," Aiko giggles as she follows Iwaizumi. Samuru follows the two and soon enough Iwaizumi showed them to there rooms. 

"Mom please, I can't breath," Oikawa whines as he tries to push his mom away. 

"Oh sorry, I'm just so happy, I haven't seen you in a while," Emi smiles. Oikawa breaths heavily and he sighs in relief. 

"It's nice to see you to mom," Oikawa smiles. Emi smiles and she picks her bags up. 

"I'm guessing Iwaizumi went to show your brother and sister their rooms, I'll go hunt him down," Emi chuckles and walks up the stairs. 

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