Day 2: Daisuga (Christmas Movies)

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"Suga, come on, the movies starting," Daichi yells from the couch. 

"Alright alright, I'm coming, I'm just getting the popcorn ready," Suga chuckles and quickly runs out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and two drinks. Suga sits down and he hands one of the drinks to Daichi. 

"What drink is this?" Daichi asks. 

"Just chocolate milk," Suga smiles as he sets the popcorn on the table. Daichi smiles and he wraps an arm around Suga. Suga chuckles and he leans his head on Daichi's shoulder. "What are we watching?" Suga mumbles. 

"All the Santa clause movies," Daichi smiles. 

"Ok, well we'll be up for a while then," Suga chuckles. 

"I will, you may not be," Daichi chuckles. 

Suga rolls his eyes and he soon looks back at the screen. 


Not even halfway through the second movie Suga was asleep. Daichi looks down at the silver-haired boy and holds his laugh back. "Called it," Daichi mumbles and slowly pauses the movie. Daichi soon picked up Suga walked up towards his room. Suga moved a little but he was still asleep. Daichi smiles and he soon lays Suga on the bed. Suga stirred a little but smiled when Daichi got in the bed. "Love you," Daichi smiles and kisses Suga's head. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now