MattsunHanaIwaOi. Oikawa says the safe word

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Also, this kinda sad, though. Mention of like cutting yourself. 

Oikawa moans as Iwaizumi pulls on his hair hard. "Fuck," Oikawa whines. 

"No swearing," Makki mumbles before spanking Oikawa's ass. 

Mattsun smirks as he started to kiss Oikawa's chest. Soon though, he started to bite on Oikawa's nipples, making Oikawa groan. Makki starts to spank him again, getting harder each time, and Iwaizumi makes Oikawa suck his cock. As Oikawa is sucking, Iwaizumi's cock Iwaizumi pulls on Oikawa hair harder. Oikawa moans loudly, making Iwaizumi shiver. Of course, the moans were muffled by Iwaizumi's cock, which made Mattsun and Makki very jealous. 

"You always give good blow jobs," Iwaizumi smirks.

"Of course he does, damn it. Why did you have to go first," Makki whines. 

"I dibs it next," Mattsun says. 

"Nooooo," Makki groans before spanking Oikawa harder. Oikawa groans at this and stops bobbing his head. 

"Don't stop," Iwaizumi says before pulling Oikawa's hair hard. 

As this continues for a few minutes, Oikawa starts to feel the pain in his ass and nipples. Mattsun was gripping on them too hard, and it hurt. Makki was hitting harder than normal, and Oikawa knew why. Stupid Makki was mad about being last for a blow job. 

"Come on, baby, can you not take it," Makki smirks before spanking Oikawa again. 

"Come on slut, you gotta finish me off," Iwaizumi says. 

Oikawa's eyes go wide at this. His dad used to call him slut many times during sex and many times in general. Tears come to Oikawa's eyes, and he quickly pulls off Iwaizumi's cock. "Vanilla," Oikawa cries, making his boyfriend's eyes go wide. 

"Did he just say it," Mattsun mumbles. 

"Vanilla, Vanilla, please stop," Oikawa cries, making his boyfriends move away. Oikawa quickly hugs a pillow and cries into it.  

"Are you ok?" Iwaizumi asks. 

Oikawa shakes his head and quickly shoves his face in a pillow. "Don't say that word," Oikawa cries. 

"What word?" Makki asks. Oikawa doesn't say anything; he just cries. 

"What do you need?" Mattsun asks. 

"Can you guys go for a few minutes," Oikawa mumbles. His boyfriends nod and quickly leave the room. Oikawa gets under the blanket and keeps crying for awhile. 


"What did you say?" Mattsun asks. 

"I don't know; it was in the heat of the moment I wasn't really thinking," Iwaizumi says and lays on the couch. 

"Aw, does Iwa need cuddles?" Makki asks. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now