Iwaoi Smut

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OKAY, @yaoiandepression wanted this. Also, you make my day with your nice comments. Thank you.

"Oikawa, have you had sex yet?" Makki queries as the four walk away from the school.

"W-What?" Oikawa quavered.

"Have you had sex yet?" Makki asked insistently.

"Yeah, of course. Iwa-Chan and I do it all the time," Oikawa smiles.

"No we don't...nor has he done it yet," Iwaizumi grins impudently.

"IWA-CHAN!!!" Oikawa whines. Makki and Mattsun begin to laugh as Oikawa pouts.

"He's too much of a baby to do it," Iwaizumi says as a smirk begins to tug at his lips. Makki and Mattsun laugh louder and Oikawa starts to whine again. Oikawa walks faster ahead of them with his arms crossed, Iwaizumi watching his boyfriend and chuckling. The group continues to walk until their paths split. Iwaizumi waves to Makki and Mattsun and jogs to catch up with Oikawa.

"Oikawa," Iwaizumi says. Oikawa doesn't answer and walks faster. Iwaizumi sighs and he grabs Oikawa's arm. "Hey, stop acting like a baby," Iwaizumi sighs.

"I thought I was one!" Oikawa glares and he moves in order to escape Iwaizumi's grasp.

Iwaizumi sighs again and pulls his boyfriend close. "You know I was joking," Iwaizumi says. Oikawa pouts and looks away. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and forces Oikawa look at him. "Hey, you know I'm okay with if you're not ready," Iwaizumi lopsidedly smiles.

"Then why did you make jokes about it?" Oikawa sulks.

"I'm sorry, I won't make jokes like that anymore then," Iwaizumi consoled. Oikawa smiles a little and nods gleefully.

"My mom isn't home, so do you wanna stay over?" Oikawa asks. Iwaizumi nods and smiles at him. The two walk off towards Oikawa's house holding each other's hand. When they get to Oikawa's place, Oikawa grins and unlocks the door. He takes his shoes off and runs up to his room. "Hurry Iwa-Chan," Oikawa teases.

"Shut up," Iwaizumi glares. He runs after Oikawa and walks into Oikawa's room. "You're annoying," Iwaizumi jokingly says as he closes the door. Oikawa giggles and smiled.

"Kiss me Iwa-Chan," Oikawa beams. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and walks towards him. He sits on the bed with him and begins to kiss him. Oikawa wraps his arms around Iwaizumi's neck and kisses back. Iwaizumi softly grins and shifts Oikawa into his lap. The kiss gets heated and soon enough Iwaizumi knows it's time to stop. He pulls away but Oikawa kisses him again. "I-I want it tonight," Oikawa mumbles.

Iwaizumi pulls away and looks at his boyfriend. "You sure?" Iwaizumi asks. Oikawa nods and Iwaizumi kisses him again. Iwaizumi soon pulled away and looked at his boyfriend. "You really sure?" He asks once again.

"Yes Iwa-Chan, if I wasn't sure I wouldn't have said it," Oikawa rolls his eyes and kisses Iwaizumi again. The two keep making out and slowly their clothes were off. They both were in there boxers and Iwaizumi made sure to go slow. He marked Oikawa's neck making sure if Oikawa wanted to stop. "Hurry Iwa-Chan," Oikawa mumbles.

Iwaizumi chuckles and looks at him. "You sure?" Iwaizumi asks once more.

"Yes, oh my lord Iwa-Chan," Oikawa groans. Iwaizumi nodded and grabbed the lube bottle he had in the bedside table. He lubed his fingers up and looks at Oikawa.

"Your one hundred percent sure right?"

Oikawa groans and bites his lip. "Yes Iwa-Chan, come on," Oikawa whines. Iwaizumi nods again and slowly takes Oikawa's boxer out. He moves his hand to Oikawa's ass as he kisses Oikawa's neck.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now