Hinata doesn't play volleyball... part 2

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Hinata joined the volleyball team, well not at first. It kinda all started when he was kicked out of the art club. 


Hinata sighs as he looks through the paint in the art room. "Hey Shoyo, can we talk?" The leader of the club asked. 

"Oh sure," Hinata smiles. The two walk into the halls Hinata a little nervous. 

 "So, I'm sorry, but we have to kick you out of the club," He says. 

"W-What," Hinata yells. 

"Some people are uncomfortable with you being, you know........ gay," The club leader says. 

"B-But that shouldn't matter," Hinata whines. 

"I know, but some people in the club were talking, and they said your art kinda sucked too so we either had to keep a bad artist who made people uncomfortable or could kick you out and make the club better," He says. 

Hinata's eyes were watering at this point. He looks down at the floor and nods. "Alright," Hinata mumbles. "I'll grab my stuff and go," Hinata says. He walks back into the club and quickly grabs his bag and art book. Thank god he didn't have big art pieces there, he didn't feel like carrying them. He walks towards the door and feels everyone's eyes on him. All he does is flip them off and runs away quickly, crying at this point. 


Kageyama groans as he walks out of the gym. The team had a small break and Kageyama needed fresh air. He sighs to himself and stretches his arm a little wishing his redhead boyfriend was here. Not even two seconds later he saw Hinata. Hinata was walking slower than normal, his head down and Kageyama was confused. "Hinata," Kageyama says and walks towards his boyfriend. When Hinata looked up Kageyama saw the tears. His eyes softened and he walks faster towards him with his arms open. Hinata runs into Kageyama's arms and cries into his chest. The two are like that for a little until Hinata pulled away. "What's wrong?" Kageyama asks. Hinata didn't respond, he looked back down and wiped his eyes. Kageyama waited, wanting to let Hinata tell him when he was ready. 

A few minutes went by and Hinata hugged Kageyama again. "I-Is m-my art bad?" Hinata stutters. 

"What no, your art is great, your one of the best artists in the whole school," Kageyama smiles. "Why are you asking?" Kageyama asks. 

Hinata was quiet at first but soon he spoke. "The art club kicked me out," Hinata says as he wipes his eyes. "They didn't like that I was gay, and they said my art was horrible," Hinata mumbles quickly hiding his face in Kageyama's chest as he starts to cry more. 

"Hinata, your art is great, and who cares what they say about you being gay, there just straight people who are idiots, there not special," Kageyama says making Hinata laugh. "Might be a bad time to bring this up, but, you could always join volleyball," Kageyama smiles. 

Hinata wipes his eyes and looks at his boyfriend. "I'll think about it," Hinata smiles. "But I don't wanna join until I have the basics down," Hinata says. 

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