TsukiYamaKageHina. Jealousy

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"Can't believe we just won," Hinata smiles. 

"Yeah, we finally beat Oikawa," Kageyama says. 

"You guys did good," Yamaguchi cheers as he walks towards them. 

Hinata runs to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and hugs the two. "Missed us?" Tsukishima asks. 

"A little," Hinata chuckles. 

"We saw them today," Kageyama mumbles. The four walk towards the exit but someone caught Hinata's eyes. 

"OIKAWA!!" Hinata cheers and runs towards him. 

"Hey, Shoyo," Oikawa smiles. "You guys did good," Oikawa says. 

"Thanks, so did you guys," Hinata says. "So have you visited brazil at all after you left?" Hinata asks. 

"I went once a couple of weeks ago, I kinda forgot how cool it was, I ate at the restaurant we ate at and oh boy it was better the second time," Oikawa smiles. 

"Oh yeah, I love that place," Hinata chuckles. "Did you play some beach volleyball?" Hinata asks. 

"Nah, it would have been weird without you," Oikawa says. 

"Maybe we could go back," Hinata says. "It could be a trip," Hinata smiles. 

"That would be awesome," Oikawa says. 

As the two continue to talk Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima stand there glaring at Oikawa. "What the hell," Kageyama mumbles. 

"When did they become friends," Tsukishima mumbles. 

"In Brazil, damn I knew one of us should have went with him," Yamaguchi mumbles. Kageyama soon walked up to the two and grabbed Hinata's hand. 

"Oh, hello Tobio," Oikawa mumbles. 

"Hey," Kageyama mumbles. 

"So Oikawa, when do you leave?" Hinata asks. 

"When the Olympics end Hinata," Oikawa chuckles. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Hinata laughs. "Tomorrow we should hang out then," Hinata smiles. 

"That would be nice, you could show me the best places around here," Oikawa says. 

That's when Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walked over. "Hinata we have to go," Yamaguchi mumbles. 

"Oh ok," Hinata says. "Bye Oi-KAWA!!" Hinata says but yelped the rest when he got dragged away. Oikawa laughed at this but waved. "What the hell guys," Hinata whines when they leave the place. 

"We had to go," Tsukishima mumbles a glare still on his face. Hinata looks at all three of his boyfriends and sighs. 


When they got to the house Hinata got a call from Oikawa. "Hey Oikawa," Hinata smiles. 

"Hey, where are the best places to eat? Iwa-Chan wants me to pick one and I wanna know which one is best," Oikawa smiles. 

"Why doesn't Iwaizumi just pick one?" Hinata asks. 

"I don't know, he's being difficult," Oikawa mumbles. 

Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama glare a little as they hear Oikawa's voice. "I swear to god," Kageyama mumbles. As Hinata starts to tell Oikawa these places Tsukishima walks up to him and picks up Hinata. 

"T-Tsuki," Hinata yelps. 

Kageyama takes the phone from Hinata and puts it up to his face. "Bye," Kageyama says and hangs up. 

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!" Hinata yells. "I was trying to talk to him," Hinata whines. 

"Who cares," Tsukishima mumbles. 

"We should watch a movie," Yamaguchi says and sits on the couch. Hinata glares at everyone but decides to watch the movie. 


It hit Hinata halfway through the movie why his boyfriends acted like they were. "You guys were jealous," Hinata laughs. 

"W-What?" Yamaguchi asks. 

"You were jealous of Oikawa," Hinata smiles still laughing. "Oh my god, you know him and Iwaizumi are madly in love right?" Hinata asks. 

Kageyama and Tsukishima don't say anything they just look away trying not to be embarrased. "You guys are too close though," Tsukishima mumbles. 

"You know we're only close cause of brazil, that's all," Hinata says. "If one of you came with me then maybe we wouldn't have become close," Hinata sighs. "But I'm over it, I'm not over the fact you guys were jealous of OIKAWA TOORU," Hinata says soon breaking into laughter. "I guess you're not only jealous of his volleyball skills now Kageyama," Hinata smirks which quickly got him hit by Kageyama. "Ow," Hinata whines. 

Soon enough though Hinata was cuddled up with his boyfriends again. "You know I'll never leave you guys right?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah," They all mumble. 

"Unless some famous person with billions of dollars came up to me then that's where I draw the line," Hinata jokes. 

"So Kenma?" Yamaguchi asks with a small chuckle. Wasn't a smart idea though cause Kageyama and Tsukishima had dark looks. 

"He's dating Kuroo you idiots," Hinata mumbles. "I love my idiots though," Hinata chuckles and kisses Tsukishima and Kageyama. Yamaguchi had a pout and Hinata chuckles. "And I love my smartest boyfriend," Hinata smiles and kisses Yamaguchi. 

"Love you too," They all mumble soon going back to cuddling. 


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