Daisuga, Kagehina, and Iwaoi FAMILY AU (again)

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"Hinata," Kageyama says as they change into their uniform.

"Yeah?" Hinata asks.

"Wanna do our new quick during this game?" Kageyama asks.

"YEAH!!!" Hinata yells happily.

Kageyama smiles a little and waits for Hinata and their team to finish changing. When they all finished the team walks onto the court. They warm up a little and Hinata glances into the stands. He smiles wide when he sees his parents and Kageyama's parents. "KAGEYAMA!!!" Hinata smiles as he runs over to him.

"What?" Kageyama asks.

"Our parents are here," Hinata smiles and looks back over at them. Kageyama looks over and the two wave.

"Look their waving," Suga smiles. The four parents wave back and watch as the two kids go back to warming up. "I miss playing," Suga sighs.

"Same," Oikawa pouts.

"You guys had your setting time," Daichi chuckles.

"Yeah I know, but I still miss it," Suga pouts with Oikawa. Iwaizumi and Daichi roll there eyes and look back at their sons.

"ALRIGHT GUYS!!! WARM-UPS OVER!!!" Their coach yells and the team begins to walk off.

Hinata bites his lip softly and glances over at the team. They have tall people on their team which made Hinata shiver. "They're scary," Hinata mumbles and looks back at his coach. Hinata could feel his nerves coming and he sighs. Not now. Hinata listens to their coach as best as he could praying his nerves would leave.

"Calm down," Kageyama mumbles as he grabs Hinata's hand. He clutches his hand tightly and Hinata looks up at Kageyama. "You'll be fine," Kageyama mumbles again with a small smile. Hinata felt his nerves disappear as he saw Kageyama's smile. He squeezes Kageyama's hand back and steps a little closer.

"AWWWWW," Oikawa says as he watches the two boys. "They're so cute," Oikawa smiles.

"They are," Suga smiles.

When the two boys coach stops talking they let go of each other's hand. They walked onto the court and waited for the guys to start.


It was halfway through the game when Hinata and Kageyama glanced at each other. They both knew what that meant, so they got ready for their quick. The other team served and the libero on the boy's team received it. Hinata ran to the net quickly and jumped as Kageyama set the ball to him. When the ball hit the floor, the gym was silent. Hinata and Kageyama look at each other and soon enough the gym got loud again. People cheered and they continued with the game.

The four parents were cheering very surprised as well. "How the hell," Iwaizumi mumbles.

"That was fast," Daichi says.

"Welp, every high school will want these two now," Suga chuckles.

"Yeah, but we all know there going to Aoba," Oikawa smiles.

"What, no!" Suga and Daichi say. "Karasuno," Suga says.

"What no, they need to go Aoba. That's the best school for them," Oikawa glares at Suga.

The two adults argue as Daichi and Iwaizumi just sit there waiting for them to finish. Iwaizumi soon had enough and puts a hand over Oikawa's mouth. "You know Hinata will convince Kageyama to go to Karasuno right? Well, if Hinata wants to go there," Iwaizumi says.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now