IwaOi. Fluff.

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Oikawa sighs as he falls on his bed. "IWA!!!" Oikawa yells. 

"WHAT!!!" Iwaizumi yells from the bathroom. 

"Cuddle me," Oikawa whines.

"Um, I'm kinda doing something," Iwaizumi says. 

"What's more important than me?" Oikawa pouts. 

"Brushing my teeth," Iwaizumi chuckles, making Oikawa nod. 

"Ok, you got me there; I hate your bad breath," Oikawa says before turning on his stomach and hugging a pillow. "Until then, this pillow is my boyfriend," Oikawa yells before shoving his face into it. 

Iwaizumi laughs at this and soon leaves the bathroom. He smiles as he moves onto the bed. "I'm here," Iwaizumi smiles. 

"I like pillow better," Oikawa says. 

"Why?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Cause he's not mean to me," Oikawa chuckles. 

"Wow," Iwaizumi says before sighing. "Looks like I've been replaced," Iwaizumi sighs. 

"Yep," Oikawa smiles. 

"Well, I guess pillow is gonna have to deal with you now," Iwaizumi chuckles. 

"SEE!! Pillow is always nice to me," Oikawa says before lifting his head to look at Iwaizumi. 

"Yeah, but what else is he good for?" Iwaizumi asks, moving closer to Oikawa. 

"He's good at cuddling," Oikawa smirks. 

"I can do better than a pillow," Iwaizumi says. 

"Nope," Oikawa smirks. 

Iwaizumi gasps a little before sighing. "Well, I know a couple of things I'm better at than pillow," Iwaizumi smirks. 

"And what is that?" Oikawa asks, very curious. 

"Well, can pillow kiss you like this," Iwaizumi smirks before kissing Oikawa on the lips. "Can pillow leave marks on your neck to make sure everyone knows your there's," Iwaizumi says before moving to Oikawa's neck and kissing it softly. "Can pillow tease you like I can?" Iwaizumi smirks before looking at Oikawa's red face. "Can pillow fake you flustered as good as I can?" Iwaizumi smirks before kissing Oikawa again but roughly this time. 

"Iwa!!!" Oikawa whines as he pulls away. He looks at Iwaizumi, his face red, of course. "Pillow doesn't make me get all embarrassed," Oikawa mumbles before looking away. 

"Does pillow fuck you like I can?" Iwaizumi asks. Oikawa whines at this but pillow was soon thrown off the bed. 

"Cuddle me," Oikawa smiles. 

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and soon moves Oikawa onto him. He holds him tight and kisses his head lightly. "I knew that would get you," Iwaizumi smirks. 

"Yeah yeah," Oikawa mumbles before hiding his face in Iwaizumi's neck. "Love you," Oikawa smiles. 

"Love you too," Iwaizumi chuckles before pulling the covers over them. 

So. I'm not back; I just wanted to thank you all for 1 million reads!!!! That's so cool, and I wanna thank you guys for reading most of the chapters I post. Thank you guys again. 

I just wanted to give you guys something, so it wasn't just a thank you. I don't know when I'll be back. Probably when my mental health is a lot better, or when season 5 of haikyuu comes back out, and I get back into it. Sorry for making this little IwaOi thing so short. I just have no motivation at all. BUT THANK YOU GUYS VERY MUCH FOR MILLION READS. 

If you at all like the dream SMP, I'm writing a sleepy bois book that is all very platonic, no relationships in it at all. It's just cute little one-shots, and I take requests. 



I do Schlatt from dream SMP, and Hinata, and soon Oikawa when my wig finally shows up. 

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