Day 8: Iwaoi and KageHina (Sleepy Boyfriends)

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"Oikawa come on, hurry up," Iwaizumi sighs.

"I'm sleepy though," Oikawa whines.

"God fine, get on my back," Iwaizumi sighs.

Oikawa smiles and he gets on Iwaizumi's back. Iwaizumi sighs and he starts walking.


Kageyama sighs as he walks with Hinata in his arms. "We're almost there don't fall asleep please," Kageyama says.

"Ok," Hinata yawns.


Both couples walked into the cafe and sat down. Hinata sat next to Kageyama and he leaned his head on Kageyama's shoulder.

"Look Iwa-Chan, it's Shrimpy and Tobio," Oikawa yawns. "Let's go sit with them," Oikawa smiles and stands up. Oikawa walks over to them and he smiles. "Hello Tobio, shrimpy," Oikawa says and soon yawned. Iwaizumi ran after Oikawa and he sighs once he sees Oikawa almost falling over from being so sleepy.

"Hey guys," Iwaizumi smiles and he quickly wraps an arm around Oikawa. "Can we sit?" Iwaizumi asks.

Kageyama nods and he looks over at his sleepy boyfriend. "Guess Hinata's tired as well?" Iwaizumi asks.

Kageyama nods. "I came here to get him some coffee," Kageyama says.

"Same, this idiot stayed up all night over a stupid show about aliens," Iwaizumi chuckles.

"Hinata stayed up to watch some dumb show too," Kageyama laughed.

"It's not dumb," Hinata whines and he pouts at Kageyama.

"It kinda is, it's about some dumb people seeing if aliens are real," Kageyama sighs.

"You like that show too Hinata," Oikawa smiles.

"Yeah it's so good," Hinata yawns.

Soon enough Hinata and Oikawa were talking about the show and Kageyama and Iwaizumi were really just talking about there dumb boyfriends.


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now