Trans Tendo (UshiTen)

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Tendo groans as he falls on his dorm bed. "SEMI!!!" Tendo whines.

"What," Semi sighs.

"Get Ushiwaka," Tendo whines. "Pwease?" Tendo asks. Semi just rolls his eyes and walks to the door.

"Don't burn the dorm down until Ushiwaka gets here," Semi says and leaves the dorm room. Tendo laughs a little and soon shoves his face in his pillow. A few minutes go by and soon Tendo heard a knock.

"Come in," Tendo yells. Soon enough Ushijima walked in. "Ushi!!!" Tendo smiles. "Come cuddle me," Tendo whines. Ushijima smiles at his boyfriend and shuts the door. He walks over to Tendo and sits down on his bed. Tendo quickly crawled onto Ushijima's lap and hugs him. Ushijima smiles and hugs back soon laying down.

"Why are being so cuddly?" Ushijima asks. Tendo doesn't respond. It soon hit Ushijima and he runs his hands through Tendo's hair. "Almost that time of the month?" Ushijima asks.

"Yep," Tendo groans.

"Well, I'll bring you chocolates and cuddle you the whole week," Ushijima smiles.

"You're the best boyfriend ever," Tendo chuckles. Ushijima chuckles a little and kisses Tendo's hand. Ushijima smiles and runs his hand up Tendo's shirt. He feels up Tendo's back and soon his smile turns into a frown.

"Satrio, why do you have your binder on?" Ushijima asks. Tendo stiffens and he looks up at his boyfriend.

"U-Uh, I j-just put it on," Tendo smiles. Ushijima glares and soon Tendo sits up. "I don't wanna take it off though," Tendo whines with a small pout.

"I will force it off you if I have too," Ushijima grumbles. Tendo groans and takes his shirt off. Ushijima closes his eyes and Tendo takes his binder off. He pouts at his breasts and soon puts his shirt back on.

"I need top surgery now," Tendo mumbles and hugs Ushijima again.

"You'll get it one day," Ushijima smiles. Tendo grumbles and puts his face in Ushijima's neck. Ushijima smiles and closes his eyes.

"I love you," Tendo mumbles.

"I love you too," Ushijima yawns.

BRUH. TRANS WEEEK. YAYYAYYAYA.  Do you guys want all the trans stories out now? It want them spread through the week? Cause there all done.

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