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Kenma smiles as he looks at his animal crossing island. "Finally," Kenma smiles and sets his switch down for a second. He walks out of the bedroom and hears yelling. Probably Bokuto and Kuroo fighting about some stupid thing again. He walks towards the kitchen to get a snack but was grabbed by someone. "What the hell," Kenma mumbles. 

"Did you use all are credit cards on games?" Kuroo asks as he sets Kenma on the couch. 

Kenma looks to see his boyfriends all clearly mad. "N-No," Kenma stutters. 

"Your the only one who plays the games Kenma," Bokuto says. Kenma looks down quickly at his hands as he plays with them. 

"It wasn't that much," Kenma mumbles. 

"That much!!!" Kuroo yells. "200 dollars Kenma!!! From my card alone," Kuroo yells with a sigh at the end. Kenma winces from the yelling and he keeps his head down. He hated yelling. He grew up to his dad yelling at him and his mom, he hated it, and when people would yell at him now, he'd have a panic attack. His boyfriends all knew, but sometimes they'd forget. 

"300 from mine!!!" Bokuto yells. As Bokuto and Kuroo yelled at Kenma Akaashi stayed silent. He watched as Kenma gripped onto his pants and could tell Kenma was shaking slightly.

"Your gonna have to pay us all back you know that right!!!" Bokuto yells. Kenma nods hoping they finished but he knew they weren't. 

"You know you could have bought this on your own if you had a job right!!!" Kuroo yells. That's when the panic attack started. His dad had said that many times to him and it made Kenma remember a lot of things. Kuroo was still yelling when Kenma's felt his chest hurt. His breathing picked up and that's when he stood up and ran to the bathroom. 

Akaashi's eyes went wide sighing at himself as he didn't realize sooner. He ran off to find Kenma leaving Kuroo and Bokuto clearly confused. "What just happened?" Bokuto asks. Kuroo doesn't answer. He was thinking. 

"Shit," Kuroo says his eyes going wide. From that Bokuto realized as well and they both darted to find Kenma. 


Kenma shut the door and locked quickly sliding down the door as tears slide down his face. His breathing had picked up and he hugged himself wanting the pain to go away. "Kenma," He heard. "Can you let me in?" Akaashi asks. Kenma ignored him and covered his ears scared he was gonna hear Kuroo and Bokuto scream at him from the other side of the door. 

Bokuto and Kuroo saw Akaashi outside the door and they both sighed. "Kenma, we're sorry we yelled, it's just, you could have asked first at least," Kuroo sighs. 

"We shouldn't have yelled, we know that we were just angry ok," Bokuto says. 

Kenma ignored them too and tried to control his breathing. "Kenma, come on, let us in," Kuroo says. 

"N-No," Kenma stutters. "Y-You'll just yell at me," Kenma says as tears start to fall down his face faster. 

"At least let Akaashi in, please," Bokuto says. "He'll help with the breathing," Bokuto sighs. 

Soon enough the door opened a little and Kenma went in quick, locking the door behind him. Kenma had his head down and Akaashi quickly sat in front of him. He pulled Kenma to his lap and Kenma hugged him tightly. "Just breath ok, your gonna be fine, just match your breathing with mine ok," Akaashi smiles. 

Kenma cried into Akaashi's shoulder trying his best to match with Akaashi but he couldn't. Akaashi knew this was a bad one. Kuroo usually dealt with those. "Kenma, can Kuroo come in?" Akaashi asks. 

When Kuroo heard his name his eyes went wide. He waited for the door to open and when he did he moved in and shut the door. He moved to the floor and pulled Kenma close.  "It's a bad one, you'll be fine though," Kuroo smiles. Kenma held onto Kuroo for dear life wanting this to be over. "Just breath, everything will be fine," Kuroo says. Kenma sobbed into Kuroo's chest as Kuroo rubbed his back. 


It was a good solid thirty minutes before Kenma's breathing was back to normal. Kuroo walked out with Kenma in his arms. Bokuto and Akaashi were sitting out there and they both stood up when they saw Kenma. Bokuto was about to speak when he saw that Kenma was asleep. Kuroo walked off towards the bedroom and laid Kenma on the bed. When he came out of the bedroom he sighed. 

"How long is he gonna be asleep for?" Bokuto asks. 

"Hours, usually bad ones like that make him sleep for at least half a day," Kuroo says. 

"Thank god it's 8 pm," Akaashi mumbles. The other two nod and they all walk off to the living room. 


Kenma woke up and yawned expecting to feel someone's arms around him. But he felt no one. He sighed to himself and looked for his phone. He picked it up and sighed. It was 1 pm. He stands up and stretches a little before leaving the room and going to find his boyfriends. When he does he sees them on the couch. 

"Kenma," Akaashi smiles. Kuroo and Bokuto quickly look over at Kenma and Kenma walks over slowly. He sits on Kuroo's lap and looks down. 

"I-I'm sorry guys," Kenma mumbles. "I'll pay you back I swear," Kenma says. 

"Kenma it's fine," Kuroo smiles. 

"N-No, I took your money without asking," Kenma mumbles. 

"That doesn't matter anymore, it was just money, a stupid thing to get mad about," Bokuto smiles. "Are you ok though?" Bokuto asks. Kenma nods and sighs a little. 

"We don't really need money though, Akaashi just got promoted and now we're gonna be rich," Kuroo jokes. Kenma laughs at this making his three boyfriends smile. 

"It will help though, I get a lot more money," Akaashi smiles. 

After making Kenma laugh a little more the four cuddled together and watched what was on tv. 

This was ok. Sorry if it was bad. 


I have three different scenarios on how Hinata will get SPANKED by Kageyama. Do guys want all three?

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now