Hinata in a skirt part 3?

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All the teams are friendly. Besides Oikawa and Kageyama. 

The building is basically a hot spring but like better, and they have it all to themselves.


"Alright guys that it for practice," Ukai yells. "Really quick though, remember tomorrow is not a training camp, so please do not pack things for volleyball," Ukai says. "It's a volleyball free weekend so please," Ukai sighs. Everyone nods and starts to clean up. Takeda soon ran into the gym and smiles. 

"Guess who I got to come this weekend," Takeda smiles. The team looks over at him and waits for Takeda to speak. "I got Fukordani, Nekoma, Aoba Johsia, and Shiritorizawa to come," Takeda smiles getting cheers from around the room. 

"I get to see Kenma," Hinata cheers which quickly gave Kageyama a dark look. "Oh and Tendo, Ushijima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo," Hinata smiles which made Kageyama glare at the floor. 

"You seem to become friends with everyone don't you Hinata," Suga chuckles. Hinata just chuckles and continues to pick up the balls. 


"I'm so excited Kageyama," Hinata smiles as he and Kageyama walk out of the school. 

"Are you sure you can't come over tonight," Kageyama mumbles. 

"I'm sorry I have to pack," Hinata chuckles. "I'll see you tomorrow though," Hinata smiles. 

"Since you're leaving me you have to pack skirts," Kageyama smirks. 

"What, no, all are frenemies will be there," Hinata whines.

"Maybe they might wanna put some on, Oikawa definitely will," Kageyama mumbles. 

"How do you know?" Hinata asks. 

"He just seems like it," Kageyama sighs. Hinata nods and keeps walking with Kageyama. He moves his bike along the two soon got to where their paths split. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," Hinata smiles. 

"Yeah," Kageyama says and grabs Hinata's arm. He kisses Hinata softly and soon pulls away with a sigh. 

"Love you," Hinata says before he gets on his bike. 

"Love you too," Kageyama smiles as he watches Hinata ride away. 


Hinata hums a small song as he packs a few skirts. A black one, a white one, a light blue one, a pink one, a grey one, a red one, a purple one, and a plaid one. He packs them at the bottom and soon texted the group chat he and every "bottom" was on. 

Thesun: You guys should bring your skirts


Sugamama: I was gonna bring my either way

Gucci: I'll bring mine

Enno: Do I have to?

Thesun: YESSSSS!!!


Sugamama: If you don't Hinata will just bring you one

Thesun: I already have many packed

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