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I know this is a little late, but who cares. It's mainly KageHina. 

Hinata smiles as he walks towards Kageyama. "You with pink hair is so cute," Kageyama smiles before grabbing Hinata's hand.

"I know," Hinata giggles. "It's gonna be like this for a while, though," Hinata says.

"Why?" Kageyama asks.

"I dyed it like this," Hinata smirks before walking out of the house.

"YOU DID!!!" Kageyama yells before chasing after Hinata.

"We need to get to the party," Hinata says before running off.

"YOU DYED YOUR HAIR PINK!!!" Kageyama yells.


Hinata smiles as he knocks on Suga's door. When the door opens, Hinata and Kageyama see Suga and Daichi wearing vampire costumes. "You guys are Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball," Suga smiles.

"Yep," Kageyama says before the two walk-in.

"Is everyone else here?" Hinata asks.

"Yep, Noya and Asahi are the big bad wolf and little red riding hood, Ennoshita and Tanaka are ghosts, Tsukishima is salt and Yamaguchi is pepper, Kenma and Kuroo are cats, Bokuto and Akaashi are maids, and Oikawa is an Alien while Iwaizumi is Godzilla," Daichi says.

Hinata smiles at Kenma's name and goes off to find them. Kageyama follows him, of course, groaning to himself when he sees Kenma. "Hey Kenma," Hinata smiles.

"Hey, Shoyo," Kenma smiles. Kageyama glares at Kenma and grabs Hinata's hand before standing next to him.

"Bakayama stop, I'm dating you for a reason," Hinata mumbles.

Kenma smiles a little before Kuroo hugged him from behind. "Let's go do something else," Kuroo mumbles before walking away.

"Bye, Shoyo," Kenma says.

"Bye, Kenma," Hinata waves before he walks over to get a drink.

"You look so cute," Kageyama says. "I've always had a crush on Prince Gumball," Kageyama chuckles.

"I've always had a crush on Marshall Lee," Hinata smirks before drinking water.

"Then I'm happy we're dressed up as them," Kageyama says. Hinata chuckles before he finds Bokuto and Akaashi. He runs over quickly and smiles. 

"You really dressed up as maids?" Hinata asks. 

"Yep," Akaashi says. 

"We look so good," Bokuto cheers. 

"Yep buddy, you do," Kuroo says before smirking at Bokuto. 

Bokuto and Kuroo go off into a conversation out about the outfit making Kageyama and Hinata walk away. "They have a weird relationship," Kageyama mumbles. 

"Yeah," Hinata chuckles. "Oikawa!!" Hinata cheers before running over to him. 

"Hey Hinata," Oikawa smiles. "Oh my god, you have such a cute costume. Did you dye your hair?" Oikawa asks. 

Hinata nods, making Oikawa chuckle. "It looks really good," Oikawa smiles. But he frowned at Kageyama. "Hello Tobio," Oikawa says with a small glare. 

"Stop that," Iwaizumi grumbles before hitting Oikawa's head. 

"Ow, Iwa!!" Oikawa whines before looking at his boyfriend. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now