Hinata doesn't have a dad. Karasuno ships

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It had all started in the clubroom after they found out the gym was getting cleaned, they all decided to stay for a little and just talk, hoping maybe the gym will be cleaned so they can practice.

"Kageyama? Do you have Oikawa's number?" Noya asks. 

"Ew no," Kageyama says. 

"Aw come on," Noya whines. "Damnit there's no one good to prank call," Noya groans. 

"Are guys that bored?" Suga asks. 

"That's one of the most childish things to do," Daichi says. 

"Oh, hush," Tanaka sighs. 

"I have Bokuto's if you want it," Hinata smiles. 

"Oh hell yeah," Noya smiles. He pulls his phone out and gets ready to dial it, but he got a phone call of course. 

"One sec," Noya smiles and answers it. "Hey dad," Noya smiles. 

Hinata's smile fell and he walks over to Kageyama. He sits on his lap and went through his phone. Kageyama sighed at Hinata but hugged him. A few minutes went by and Noya ended the call. "What was that?" Tanaka asks. 

"Just my dad, he's gonna be working late again," Noya says and sits down. 

"What does your dad even do?" Asahi asks. 

"He's an engineer at this big building, no idea what he does, but he makes good money," Noya smiles. "What does yours do?" Noya asks. 

"He an editor for a bunch of mangas," Asahi smiles. 

"That's so cool, he gets to see Manga's before there even realized," Noya cheers. Asahi rolls his eyes and chuckles a little. "Anyway? What about you Tanaka?" Noya asks. 

"My dad does um, I have no idea, I barely listen when he talks about that stuff," Tanaka mumbles. 

"Of course," Ennoshita sighs. 

"What about you then Ennoshita?" Tanaka yells. 

"My dad works at some accounting place," Ennoshita sighs. 

"Lame," Noya chuckles. "Suga?" Noya asks. 

"Mine's a college professor," Suga says and leans on Daichi. 

"Daichi?" Noya asks. 

"My dad's a private investigator," Daichi sighs. 

"Bro, that's so cool," Noya whines. "Damnit," Noya groans. 

Hinata shifts uncomfortably making sure to keep his eyes on his phone. Kageyama runs his hands through Hinata's hair and smiles. "Just don't listen," Kageyama whispers. 

"Wish I could," Hinata sighs. 

"Yamaguchi," Noya smiles. 

"Oh uh my dad doesn't really talk about his work," Yamaguchi chuckles. 

"Saltyshima," Noya smirks. 

Tsukishima rolls his eyes and sighs. "He travels around doing whatever," Tsukishima mumbles before going back to talking with Yamaguchi. 

"Kageyama? Hinata?" Suga asks. 

"Oh, my dad travels a lot," Kageyama says. They all wait for Hinata to respond but he doesn't. 

"Hinata?" Noya asks. 

"Oh um, well, you see, I don't really have one," Hinata says as he puts his phone down. Everyone sat there silent for a minute before a few of them apologized for talking about there dads. "It's fine you guys," Hinata chuckles. "I don't really care," Hinata says and shrugs. 

"You sure?" Suga asks. 

"Yeah, I would have said something if it bothered me," Hinata smiles.

"Did your dad like die? Or leave?" Noya asks. 

"Noya," Daichi yells. "You can't ask that," Daichi sighs. 

"No it's fine, he left, when my mom told him she was pregnant, with me," Hinata awkwardly laughs.

"Wait? Don't you have a sister?" Tanaka asks. 

"Yeah, he came back one day and they you know did it, and then two weeks later, my mom found out, and he left again," Hinata sighs. 

"Has he ever tried to talk to you at all?" Suga asks. 

"Nope, I mean he's called my mom a few times about money so I don't really need him," Hinata smiles. "I mean the relationship wouldn't have worked out, my mom is dating is woman," Hinata chuckles. 

"DAMNIT!!!" Noya whines. "THAT'S EVEN COOLER!!!" Noya cries. Everyone laughs at him but soon went back to talking. 

Hinata snuggles into Kageyama making Kageyama smile. "You know, at least you have a daddy," Kageyama smirks. 

"What do yo- BAKAYAMA!!!" Hinata yells.

This one was kinda short, but Another might come out tonight.

By the way, the ice-skating one is taking forever, so that will be my longest one-shot by a long shot. 

Thanks for over 100k reads guys, I really appreciate it. 

THankS for REading

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