Day 6: Kagehina (Baking/Mistletoe)

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"Kageyama come on, help me," Hinata whines as he tries to grab the bowl from the top shelf. 

"You can do it, keep trying," Kageyama chuckles. 

"KAGEYAMA!!" Hinata whines and looks over at his boyfriend. 

"Fine fine okay, I'll get it," Kageyama sighs and he walks over to Hinata. He grabs the bowl from the shelf and hands it to Hinata. 

"Thank you," Hinata smiles. 


While making the cookies, the two also made a mess, a huge one. 

"Shit, how are we gonna clean this up?" Kageyama asks as he grabs a few paper towels. 

"How are we, do you mean how are YOU gonna clean this, You made the mess," Hinata yells and puts the cookies in the oven. 

Kageyama rolls his eyes and he starts to clean. "Help me though," Kageyama groans. Hinata shakes his head and he watches Kageyama. "Fine, guess I'll just have to go home then," Kageyama sighs and stands up. 

"WHAT NO!!" Hinata yells and quickly starts to clean. Kageyama chuckles and he soon cleans as well. 


The mess was finally cleaned and the cookies were done. 

"Good job Hinata, these are great," Kageyama says as he finishes a cookie. 

"Thank you," Hinata smiles and he drags Kageyama to the living room. 

"Hey wait, you have something on your face," Kageyama says and stops Hinata. 

"Oh, where is it?" Hinata asks. 

"Your lips," Kageyama smirks. 

Hinata wipes his lips and he looks at Kageyama. "Is it gone?" Hinata asks. 

"Nope," Kageyama says. 

"What's on my lips?" Hinata asks as he keeps wiping his mouth. 

"My lips," Kageyama smirks and kisses Hinata. 

Hinata laughs softly and kisses Kageyama back. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now