Iwaoi fluff

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Just fluff. 

It's been a long time since I've written so if it's bad I apologize.  

Oikawa groans for about the 100th time as he shoves his face into a couch pillow. "Iwa-Chan!!" Oikawa yells. "It's movie night; hurry up," Oikawa cries. 

"Give me a minute!! Some people have to work to pay the bills around here!!" Iwaizumi yells back. 

Oikawa groans again. "The life of a sugar baby is awful," Oikawa complains. 

"YOU ARE NOT MY SUGAR BABY!!" Iwaizumi yells. 

"I BASICALLY AM!!" Oikawa yells back before he sits up and crosses his arms. Iwaizumi says nothing making Oikawa grumble. Oikawa sits there and pouts to himself until he notices their cat Yoshi jump on the couch. "Yoshi!!" Oikawa smiles. "We can have our own movie night," Oikawa says as he picks up Yoshi. All the cat does is meow before Oikawa sets the cat down. He throws a blanket over himself and then sets Yoshi on his lap. "What shall we watch, Yoshi?" Oikawa asks. The cat just meows again, and Oikawa nods, acting like he understood the cat. Oikawa opens Netflix and scrolls through it. He smiles to himself as he turns on some random Christmas movie. He's always been a sucker for those stupid romance Christmas movies. 

Not even 5 minutes into the movie Iwaizumi finally comes back out. He sighs as he sits on the couch and looks at the tv. "Oh hell no, I hate these movies," Iwaizumi says before he snatches the remote and changes the channel. 

"Iwa!! I was watching that," Oikawa whines. 

"Yeah yeah, now we're watching something else," Iwaizumi says, keeping his gaze on the tv. 

Oikawa grumbles to himself before he scoots over closer to Iwaizumi. "At least pick something good," Oikawa mumbles as he lays his head on Iwaizumi's shoulder. Iwaizumi keeps quiet before he sighs and puts the Christmas movie back on. "Yay!!" Oikawa cheers as Iwaizumi wraps his arm around Oikawa's shoulder. 

"If this movie sucks, I'm never letting you pick another one again," Iwaizumi mumbles. 

"Hey!!" Oikawa pouts. "You think every movie I pick sucks, though," Oikawa grumbles. 

"They always do, though," Iwaizumi smiles—Oikawa groans before he goes back to watching the movie. 


When the movie ends, Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa and sighs. "This is why I am never letting you pick again; that was the worst movie I have ever seen," Iwaizumi says. 

"Aw, Iwa, come on!! It wasn't that bad," Oikawa pouts. 

"I predicted the ending after watching the first 30 minutes; the acting was porn level acting too," Iwaizumi says. 

"Your so mean sometimes," Oikawa whines. 

"I'm just being honest," Iwaizumi chuckles. 

As the two continue to bicker, Yoshi jumps off the couch and walks over to his food bowl. He started to meow. The two stop and soon look at the cat. "Oh, you hungry, Yoshi?" Oikawa asks. Yoshi meows again, making Oikawa nod. "Alright," He says as he stands up.  As Oikawa fills up the bowl with cat food, it hits him. "We haven't had dinner," Oikawa says as he looks over at Iwaizumi. 

"Hm, oh yeah," Iwaizumi says. "Well, what do you want?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"I don't know; you'll probably just hate it, though," Oikawa says before he walks away and into the kitchen. 

"Aw, come on, don't be like that," Iwaizumi groans before he stands up and follows Oikawa. Oikawa ignores him as he looks around the kitchen for something to eat. "Oikawa come on, I'm sorry, but your taste in movies is horrible," Iwaizumi says.

Oikawa looks over and glares. "Enjoy your night on the couch," Oikawa grumbles before he starts to make himself ramen. 

"Aw, come on," Iwaizumi groans. "Can you at least make me food," Iwaizumi asks.  

"Nope," Oikawa says, making Iwaizumi groan again. 

Iwaizumi sighs to himself before he gets an idea. He smirks to himself and walks over to Oikawa. He wraps his arms around him and puts his face in Oikawa's neck. "Come on, I'm sorry," Iwaizumi mumbles. "You have to admit it was bad, though," Iwaizumi says as he kisses Oikawa's neck. Oikawa doesn't say anything as he waits for the water to boil. "We've seen better porn acting, Oikawa, I swear," Iwaizumi chuckles. 

Oikawa sighs to himself before he smiles. "Yeah yeah, it was bad, I guess," Oikawa mumbles. "It was cute at least," Oikawa says. 

Iwaizumi sighs to himself before he smiles. "It kinda was," He mumbles, taking Oikawa by surprise. 

"You thought it was cute?" Oikawa asks. 

"I mean kinda," Iwaiuzmi mumbles. Oikawa nods and doesn't say anything. He was definitely gonna use it against him later. 

The two just stood there in comfortable silence as Oikawa cooked. 


By the time the two were in bed, it was about 3 am. They had watched one of Iwaizumi's movies, and it was 3 god damn hours. Oikawa was not pleased, but at least Iwaizumi was holding him. 

Oikawa yawns as he pulls the bed covers over himself. "Iwa, your movie was shitty too," Oikawa smirks before he cuddles up to him. 

"It was not," Iwaizumi says as he holds Oikawa close. 

"I will never get those three hours of my life back," Oikawa pouts before he yawns. 

"Yeah yeah just shut up and go to bed," Iwaizumi grumbles. 

crumbs bitches crumbs. I


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