Hinata steals Kageyama's clothes (Kagehina)

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Hinata loved Kageyama's clothes. He loved how big they were on him and how much they smelled like Kageyama. Hinata would steal Kageyama's clothes whenever he could. He would steal Kageyama's shirts, sweatshirts, maybe Kageyama's pants. But he would mostly steal Kageyama's sweatshirts. He had a spot in his closet dedicated to Kageyama's clothes. 


"Where the hell are my sweatshirts," Kageyama mumbles as he looks through his closet. He sighs and walks out to Hinata. "Do you know where any of my sweatshirts are?" Kageyama asks. 

"No," Hinata lies and looks at the ceiling. Kageyama stares at Hinata for a little and soon sighs. He walks back in his closet and puts the only one he had left. "Kageyama, come cuddle me," Hinata whines. Kageyama sighs and walks over to his boyfriend. He lays on the bed, and Hinata quickly moves on his lap. 

"You know you're wearing one of my sweatshirts, right?" Kageyama asks. 

"I am?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah," Kageyama smiles. 


A week goes by, and Kageyama soon found all his sweatshirts. He comes out of Hinata's closet, holding a few of his sweatshirts. "Hinata, what's this?" Kageyama asks. 

Hinata looks over, and his eyes go wide as he sees what Kageyama's holding. "Um," Hinata says. "My sweatshirts," Hinata smiles. 

"Yours?" Kageyama asks. "So you stole all my sweatshirts?" Kageyama asks. 

"Um," Hinata mumbles. 

"You did," Kageyama smirks. "Don't worry, I won't take them all home, but I'm taking most of them," Kageyama says and starts to set some on a chair. 

Hinata giggles a little and watches Kageyama. "They're very comfy," Hinata smiles. 


The sweatshirts that Kageyama took home, of course, Hinata stole them all back in the matter of a week. "Hinata, did you steal my sweatshirts again?" Kageyama asks. 

"No," Hinata says, not looking up from his phone. 

"Really? Then where the hell did they go?" Kageyama asks. 

"My house," Hinata chuckles, making Kageyama sigh. 

"You know I need clothes too," Kageyama says. 

"Wear mine," Hinata says. 

"Yours will definitely not fit me," Kageyama says. "I'm gonna need them back, and they're gonna have to stay here this time," Kageyama smiles. 

"But, stupidyama, your clothes are so comfy," Hinata whines. 

"They'll be even better when they smell like me," Kageyama smiles.

"I'll give them to you," Hinata says quickly. Kageyama laughs, and Hinata smiles. 


Hinata gave Kageyama all his clothes back, and each time Hinata did take one, it came back a couple of days later. Kageyama was very happy about this; it meant he could get to see his boyfriend in the big sweatshirts and still have clothes. 

"Sweatshirt," Hinata smiles. 

"Were meeting the team no," Kageyama says. Hinata glares and soon stands up and walks into the closet. "Hinata," Kageyama yells. Hinata smirks and walks out in one of Kageyama's sweatshirts. "Hinata," Kageyama sighs but soon gives in. "Fine, but when the team asks questions, your answering," Kageyama smiles. 

"About us dating?" Hinata asks. Kageyama nods, and Hinata looked fairly confused. "We haven't told them already," Hinata says. "StupidYama, why haven't we told them," Hinata whines. 

"We haven't brought it up yet," Kageyama says. "And you did say you wanted to keep it a secret for a while," Kageyama mumbles. 

"When did I say that?" Hinata asks. 

"When we started dating," Kageyama smiles. 

Hinata thinks back, and he smiles. "You remembered," Hinata smiles, going to kiss Kageyama. But he stopped and slapped Kageyama. "But you shouldn't have listened to me," Hinata whines. 

Kageyama glares at him and soon picks up Hinata and pins him to the bed. Hinata glares, but he starts laughing when Kageyama tickles him. "Y-Yama!!!" Hinata laughs, trying to get away. 

"Shouldn't have hit me," Kageyama smirks. 

"Y-You hit me all the time," Hinata whines, but soon it turns into laughs. "I-I'm sorry, Yama," Hinata laughs. Kageyama soon stopped at this, and Hinata sighs. "Can we go now?" Hinata asks. Kageyama nods and soon picks up Hinata and leaves the house. 


When they got to the movie theater, Suga was the first to notice what Hinata was wearing. "Hinata, what are you wearing?" Suga asks. 

"Kageyama's sweatshirt," Hinata smiles before grabbing Kageyama's hand. 

A few people were surprised by this and, of course, started asking questions. "We've been dating for a while; we've just forgotten to tell you," Hinata chuckles before dragging Kageyama into the movie theater. 

"You guys haven't seen them kissing; they do it all the time," Tsukishima snickers before him and Yamaguchi walk in. Suga chuckles and follows, and everyone else just says there very surprised. 


Just a short little cute fic. 

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