Get through it

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How could this happen? I understood miscarriages but I thought the baby was okay after the second trimester. What was I gonna tell Meredith once she wakes up.
" Derek!" Mark yelled and I stopped.
" what."
" don't run. This isn't the time to run Derek."
" what am I supposed to do. We just got good again but now another obstacle is in the way."
" that's how life works. You get through the bad to get to the good."
" no Mark this isn't how life works. It shouldn't be this cruel. It's one or two bad obstacles and that's it." I was crying. His pager went off.
" Meredith is awake. you gotta go talk to her."
" mmhmm." I wiped my tears and headed up to her room. Everyone was sitting with her. I walked in and they all left, putting a hand on my Boulder as they walked out.
" what's going on?" Mer asked
" Meredith I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. We have been through some bumpy rides and came out the other side. Baby I'm so sorry."
" what's wrong Derek?" She asked
" Mer, we lost the baby."
" what? No that's impossible. We couldn't have." We both had tears in our eyes.


Derek's head was down and he was clearly upset. I walked in.
" Addison don't.." Derek said
" Meredith I am very sorry but you lost the baby. "
" how I don't understand."
" we are looking into it. I am so sorry."
" I want everybody out of my room. I want to be left alone."
I left. " you too." She said looking at Derek. Everyone was shocked.
" what?" He asked
" I want you out too."
" Mer, don't take this out on him. He didn't do anything."
" it's fine." Derek said and he walked out and we followed. He was walking towards the exit doors.
" Derek where are you going?" I asked
" I'm leaving. She doesn't want me here and frankly I don't want to be here."
" Derek she needs you most now." Mark said
" she obviously doesn't. I'm gonna go home an grab my stuff."
" where you going?" Alex asked
" I don't know. I'll figure it out later."
He left.
" well I can't take him in im staying with them." I said.
" I mean I could." Mark said
" or he can stay at Jo and i's" alex added
" or at ours." Jackson said
" or at mine." Arizona said.
" so basically we are all willing to let Derek stay at our place for as long as he needs. Good. He would love that."
" Umm Dr. Montgomery?" Jo raised her hand
" yes dr. Wilson." I said
" should we go discharge dr. Grey?"
" no I want to keep her here over night."
" what for?"
" evaluations." Alex said
" like psych?"
" like psych." Jackson said.
We all walked back into Meredith's room.
" so when can I go home?" She asked.
" not tonight. We are keeping you overnight." I said
" wait for what?"
" evaluations." Jackson said
" evaluations... Like you think I'm crazy?"
" Meredith we need to keep you over night to make sure you are stable to go home."
" I want Derek. Where's Derek."
" you told him to get out."
" no no no I couldn't have. I don't remember that."
" what do you mean?"
" I mean I don't remember telling my husband to leave."
" do you remember about Amelia?"
" what about her?"
" mer she gave birth today." Alex said
" oh goodie! Are they healthy?"
" mer, they were conjoined. You did one of the surgeries." Jackson said
" I was? I don't remember. Why am I in here?"
Everybody looked at me.
" I think we need to start psych- evaluating and running tests now." I whispered. They all ran to get tests.
I called Derek.
" Derek?"
" Addison I'm packing what's up."
" something's wrong."
" with?"
" Meredith."
" what do you mean?"
" she doesn't remember a thing."
" she has to."
" no not a single thing. She was asking for you."
" do you think it's...?"
" it's possible, it's in her genes. But I'm not sure. We are gonna run some tests to find out. Just get here fast."
I hung up.

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