The house I grew up in

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It was about 2 weeks until the finally let me out of the hospital. I have seen Derek walking around but he wasn't allowed in my room. He texted me once in a while but I didn't answer. I had this huge cast like the size of my leg that I had to wear for 6-8 months. Possibly a year. They told me I'd be on crutches for 2 months. Owen rehired Derek so he can help support the kids and pay part of the medical bill and having two Neuro surgeons was always a bonus. I got changed and got my bags packed. Mark and Addison walked in.
" woah woah hey let me help you." Mark said. I sat down.
" when are you going home?" I asked Addison.
" I'm not."
" wait what do you mean you're not?"
" I was talking to my husband last night and explained the situation. He talked to our boss and got us transferred to here."
" and what does your husband do?"
" Jack? He's an anesthesiologist."
" good we need more of those." Mark laughed.
" yeah we kinda do."
" yeah so I'm house hunting tonight and then grabbing a hotel."
" yeah sorry about the whole staying at my house thing."
" no biggie we are all just glad we are all okay."
" okay? do you mean alive?" Mark asked.
I glared at him. " sorry."
" but how you holdin up?" Addison asked
" well, I'm okay I guess. I finally get out of here so I don't have to see his I'm sorry I hurt you take me back eyes."
" yeah well just be careful okay?"
" yeah."
A nurse came in.
" Dr.Grey are you ready to go home?"
" I am is Dr.Karev or Dr.Wilson around?"
" they went to pick up your kids. They'll be up in a minute."
" okay good."
They all helped me get to the wheel chair.
" hey ready to go?" Alex asked. They were carrying the kids.
" guys you don't have to do this... The kids are a lot to handle. We can go to a hotel...." Jo cut me off.
" you are not staying at a hotel there's no way."
" and the kids aren't too much they love us!"
" thanks again guys."
" no problem now let's go."
They rolled me out and Derek was standing out in the hall. He didn't say anything he just stared. I didn't want to look his way so I was listening to Zola as she told me what happened in daycare. We were almost out the door when Owen stopped us.
" hey wait!" We stopped " I'm not gonna make you stand up but good luck and be safe. Everyone will be popping their heads in every once in a while to check up on you. We'll see you back on the floor Grey. Rest up."
" thanks Owen."
When we got to the house everything came back to me. When I first moved in here and started the job, my childhood."
" so we have a bedroom set up for you but Jo is gonna start to make dinner if you want to stay down here." Alex said.
" yeah I'll help with dinner. Where you going?"
" I have a surgery so I'll be home in a little. The kids bedroom are set up to."
" thank you I appreciate this guys."
" anytime mer. Alright goodbye." He kissed me on the cheek and gave me a side hug and kissed Jo goodbye.
" what can I help with?" I asked.
" well, I really don't know what to make. Got any ideas?"
" I do! I'll put Olivia and Bailey down for a nap and come back down."
" I'll help." We put the kids into their rooms.
" zola do you have homework?" I asked her
" no."
" are you lying?"
" it's just a little thing."
" zola you go to the daycare after school so you're not home alone and you can get your homework done.."
" I know."
" do it before dinner please."
She ran off to her room.
" so what was your idea for dinner?" Jo asked.
" you got steak?"
" yeah."
" steak and risotto with vegetables."
" oh my god that sounds so good. You gotta teach me how to make it!"
" alright well let's start cooking." I giggled.
Alex walked through the door as we were just sitting to eat.
" oh hey babe there's dinner on the counter."
" thanks what is it?"
" my steak and risotto with vegetables." I said
" yum!"
" babe how'd your surgery go?"
" not great, there was difficulties and we almost lost the patient but he's alive."
" well that's good."
" yeah for now."
" gotta be optimistic."
Alex game the kids kisses and then sat and ate with us. After dinner I helped clean up and then we all sat to watch a movie. When the movie was over the kids were still running around.
" Bailey come on it's time for bed.
" I'll grab him." Alex said
" it's okay I can do it just relax you just got home from work."
" and you just got home from the hospital mer, let us help." Jo said.
I gave in and walked with Zola up to her room. We tucked the kids in and sat downstairs to talk.
" is there anything you want done around here while you guys are at work tomorrow?"
" there is a package coming tomorrow around 2 it's new dishes if you could just ask the guys to put it in the kitchen." Alex said
" you got it."
" what time does zola go to school?" Jo asked
" well I usually drop her off before work but I called the school and they said a bus will pick her up as long as we needed."
" wow that's great." Jo said
" yeah it is."
"Well I'm gonna clean up and head to bed." Jo said yawning.
" no I'll clean up get some sleep."
" mer..." Alex said.
" guys this was my house I know where everything is and if I don't I will figure it out. I'm injured in not dead. I need to do something for these two months so I'm not bored out of my mind."
" okay fine. Goodnight mer." They both said as they headed upstairs.
" goodnight."

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