If i stay

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The surgery went as well as it could have. We were just waiting for her to wake up. Mer said they did everything they could.
" Derek.." Meredith said coming back into the waiting room with everyone " you can come see her now." She continued.
" I'm coming too." Owen said.
" no. I'm going to go see her first."
" I'm her boyfriend."
" and I'm her brother."
I walked in with Meredith and the rest of them.
" how is she?" I asked
" as good as she can be. We don't know when she's gonna wake up." Alex said
" Derek do you want to call your mom and sisters?" Mer asked.
" yeah ummm yeah I'll do that."
" are you sure? We can do it for you." Arizona said.
" no umm they should hear it from me. Can I have a minute alone with my sister?"
They nodded and walked out.
" hey kiddo, I hope you're okay. Listen I need you to fight to stay alive okay? I know your body may be pulling in the opposite direction but I need you to fight. Can you do that? I know you can. You're strong. I raised you well. I'm so sorry this happened to you kiddo. I'm so sorry Amelia. I need you to stay. Owen needs you to stay. We all need you to stay. If you need to go then go. Go be with dad. But I'm asking you before you make that decision. Fight. I love you Amelia and I don't know what I would do without you. The truth is you've been looking after me all these years. Thank you. I love you Amelia." I gave her a kiss on the head and walked out.
" Owen wants to see her." Callie said.
" not yet. I have to call my mom and sisters." So I did exactly that.
Meredith came in once I was getting off the phone.
" well?"
" they're coming. They'll be here tomorrow."
" Owen is in there with her now."
" that's good."
" are you okay?"
" I'll be fine."
" are you gonna go home or stay here?"
" I think I need to stay here tonight."
" okay. I'll stay with you."
" you don't have to. Go home. Take the kids you have work in the morning."
" I want to. I'm not working as log as Amelia is in the hospital."
" thanks Meredith." I gave her a hug.


I went in to talk to Amelia.
" hey, listen, I don't know if you can hear me or not but if you can I need you to listen carefully. You need to fight this okay? You need to do it for Derek, your mom, your sisters, Owen, me and the rest of us. Don't let go. But if you have to, go be with your dad. I'm sure he missed you. All of you. Just if you could stay. I lost my one sister I don't need to lose you too. Please Amelia stay."
I walked out and stood with everyone else as we all states at her.
" Guys why don't we all go home." A nurse said.
" we don't leave until she leaves." Alex said.
" guys..." He continued but Jackson cut him off.
" dude you don't understand.. Walk away."
My phone started to ring.
" hello?"
" oh my god Mer I just heard about Amelia I am so sorry."
" thank you."
" how she doing?"
" she's hanging in there."
" listen I just crabbed a flight I'll be there tomorrow?"
" what you're coming up here?"
" who is?" Alex whispered.
" yeah I figured I come support."
" wow that's really sweet thank you."
" what's really sweet?" Jackson asked.
I shooed them away.
" alright ill see you tomorrow."
" okay bye".
" who's coming?" Alex asked
" cristina is flying up."
" why?"
" she heard about Amelia."
" oh that's good."
" yeah."
We all sat there overnight for something to change but it didn't.
" this will break him if she doesn't make it." Addison said.
" yeah it will. There will be no repairing this one." I added.
" for any of us." Alex said.
We all sat there.
" I'm going to go pick up my mom and sisters." Derek said
" no you should stay. I'll pick them up." Alex said
" you sure?"
" yeah we got it." Jackson added and they headed out.
" I gonna go back in there. I love you." He said.
" I love you too." I kissed him and gave him a hug and let him go back in. We wanted one thing. For Amelia to survive.

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