Olivias first bithday!

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It's been a year since Olivia was born and today she was celebrating becoming one. Mer came back to work after two months of paternity leave.
" derek!" I turned around to see who it was.
" Jackson! How are you?"
" good you ?"
" good how's April and Charles?"
"Good we are all crazy busy. Talking about crazy busy how are you guys?"
" well with Zola in kindergarten there is only two kids to pick up at the end of the day."
" what do you mean?"
" Callie and Arizona drop off Sofia and Zola and we pick them up."
" who stays with them?"
" Lexie or my sister. But my mom is coming for a week so she'll watch them."
" that good."
" she can watch Charles too if you want."
" no she's got too many kids to take care of."
" she's got one more."
" thanks."
" anytime oh but we are waiting on an answer from an after care place where they come to your house. So I was thinking all the kids could go to mine after."
" that'd be great thanks derek."
I ran into meredith in the ER.
" hey" I said
" hey oh that after care place called and they said yes so starting tomorrow they are gonna go to the house when we drop them off and they are gonna hang out there."
" oh good I have to call and tell jackson to call them."
" there is a max of ten kids."
" well then there's Zola, bailey, Olivia, Sofia, Elizabeth, Charles, and Tuck."
" that's seven."
" okay good then there's enough room."
" Yeah oh and by the way Callie and Arizona got in a fight so Callie is sleeping at our house for a while."
" okay sounds fine to me i gotta go I have surgery love you"
" love you too oh wait!"
" yeah?"
" invite people for Olivia's party."
" yes okay."
I ran into Callie in the OR.
" what are you doing tonight?"
" packing."
" come to my house and celebrate Olivia's birthday with us."
" I didn't get her a gift but I will."
" don't worry about it."
Good one person down many to go.
" shepherd?" I heard marks voice.
" Mark?"
" can I get a consult when you're done."
" only if you come to my daughters birthday party tonight."
" I'll be there."
" okay thanks oh and Amy is in the ER."
" okay I'll ask her. Callie." He nodded towards her.
" Mark...hi."
" hi."
" I need to talk to you later."
" of course."
" okay I am in the middle of surgery can you two take it somewhere else."
They stopped talking.
Meredith had picked up the kids and went home so I headed out too. When I got there everyone was there.
" heyyy Derek!" Everyone yelled.
" where's meredith?" I asked Callie.
" kitchen."
" mer what are you doing?" I asked walking in.
" getting the cake ready."
" come on everyone is still eating lets go join them."
" how was your surgery?" She asked handing me Olivia.
" hi Olivia happy birthday happy birthday! Good she made it."
Mer giggled " that's good."
We walked in and everyone clapped for her which made Olivia laugh.
" want a family picture?"
" sure. Zo come here and bring bailey." Mer said
They both came walking over. I can't believe bailey is 3 and Zola is 5. Time has flown by.
" okay Zola sit next to bailey." I said
We smiled and took the picture. Then other people wanted pictures and then we got all the kids together.
When the night was over everyone left except Callie and Sofia.
" Zola why don't you show Sofia your room and get her bed ready. Then you guys go get ready and daddy will be up to tuck you in."
She went straight upstairs and in her room. Callie was getting the couch ready.
" Callie we have an extra bedroom." I said
" I'm good here."
" no you're not." I grabbed her stuff and put it in the guest room. I grabbed Bailey and Olivia and tucked them into bed and then the girls. Mer was talking to Callie and there was a knock on the door.
" I'll get it " I said
It was Arizona.
" Arizona.... Callie is upstairs."
" yeah I know I didn't come for her."
" she never does derek why would she now." I turned around to see Callie and Mer at the top of the stairs.
" what are you doing here?" She asked.
" well since I didn't make it to Olivia's party I thought I'd bring it now."
" she's sleeping"
" I know that's why I was going to give It to her parents."
" Derek take the present."
I took it and put it with the others
Mer and I watched from the kitchen .
" can I see my daughter?"
" she's sleeping too."
" Callie.."
" no Arizona the answer is no."
" Callie it's just saying goodnight just let her see Sofia." I said
" but you don't understand!"
" yeah we do actually we've been in these fights. They aren't fun. One of the things that kept us together were the kids." Mer said with a hand on my shoulder.
" and the others?"
" we still loved each other, we knew we were meant to be and that we couldn't live without one another so we worked through it. Callie just work through it." She said.
" we are going upstairs so you guys can talk." I grabbed mer's hand and brought her upstairs.
We secretly listened from our bedroom as they talked but worked nothing out.
Arizona left and Callie came upstairs.
" sorry guys I guess I'm staying here for a little I'll start looking for a place on the weekend."
" it's okay Callie." I said
"DEREK!" Mer made eyes meaning to say go talk to Callie. I knocked on the door Mer at my hip.
" Callie open up."
She opened the door.
" I'm sorry guys"
" Callie you can stay here as long as you need just take your time. Like we said we've been through it l. You'll get through it too. Stay as long as you need."
" thanks guys I appreciate it."
" anytime goodnight."
" goodnight."

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