The night is ours

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We were cuddling in bed for the whole night.
" I'm so happy you're home." Mer said.
" me too."
" what made the final decision?"
" me hearing myself talk over the voicemail. Realized how much I was leaving."
" so ferry boats." Mer laughed
" yeah basically".
" well I have to get up for work."
" and I have to explain to my sister why she isn't going to be head of neuro."
" sounds like a fun filled day."
" since it is my day back do you want to come take a trip down memory lane?"
" what does that mean?"
" come to Neuro."
" Derek..."
" just for today."
" I will think about it. But I need a shower first."
I looked at her.
" no Derek."
" but I didn't get enough last night."
" we were up all night. You got enough."
" I'll never get enough." I went over and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her hard.
" now go grab your shower." I whispered.
I got the kids ready to go.
" Daddy?" Zola tried to get my attention.
" yes sweetheart?"
" can I go to a friends house after school instead of going to the daycare?"
" I have to speak to your mother but I don't see a problem with it."
" YAAY THANK YOU DADDY!" She yelled going up the stairs.
" Zola that wasn't a yes it was a maybe!" I yelled after her
" what was a maybe?" Mer asked holding Bailey and Olivia.
" give me my son." I said.
" so what's a maybe?"
" Zola wants to go to a friends house after school."
" yeah sure. ZOLA!" Mer yelled. Zola came running down.
" yes?"
" who's house are you going to ?"
" Sofia's."
I looked at Meredith.
" wait Sofia... Like uncle Mark's Sofia? Your cousin?"
" yeah..."
"Well why didn't you just say that?" I said laughing.
" I don't know."
" go upstairs and get ready we're leaving in 5." Mer said.
" I swear that child has a round about way of doing things." Mer added.
" yeah she does." I laughed. Mer came and wrapped her arms around me.
" I'm so glad you're home."
" me too. I love you."
" I love you too."
" COME ON ZO WE GOTTA GO!" I yelled up the stairs. When we got there I walked into Hunt's office.
" miss me?" I asked.
" Shepherd? Your back?"
" Yepp I'm back. I never left."
" but Mer said..." I cut him off.
" I got off the plane."
" Ahhh very romantic."
" mmhmm." Mark walked in.
" do you know our kids are having a play date at your house today?" Mark asked
" Zola said she was going to your house."
" no Sofia didn't bring her key."
" so where are they going?"
" I don't know but I texted Mer and she said she would deal with it."
" okay."
" so what do you need?" Owen asked
" you told your wife she could be head of neuro right?"
" you left the position to her Derek."
Mark started to laugh.
" yeah well I need you to tell her that Im the head of neuro now."
" you want me to fire her? Yeah no. You did the damage now you can clean it up. Oh and just in case you decide to get on a plane and off a plane again let me know two weeks ahead of time."
" Owen.. I'm sorry." Mark was laughing so hard. I pointed to him.
" you. Shut up."
" come on I wanna see this". Mark said.
We went to find Amelia but found Owen again.
" Owen I keep finding you I think you were supposed to tell her."
" Derek I am not your janitor. Get the mop and clean it up yourself."
" did you just refer to my sister as a mop?"
" what's worse is your sister is his wife." Mark said.
" what if I can't find this mop."
" then I'll page her. Does she know you're here?"
" Umm... Sorta."
" sorta?"
" he means no. Like no clue at all." Mark said
" fantastic."


I got paged by Owen.
" who's that?" Mer asked
" owen. 911."
" let's go." She said and I ran to the ER.
" what's going on?" I asked
" hey. We need to talk." Owen said
" about?"
" well I kinda have a surprise for you."
" ohhhh I think I know what the surprise is." Mer said
" you do." Mark laughed.
" what is it?"
The curtains opened.
" Derek?"
" hey sis what's going on?"
" you're back?"
" yeah and you look thrilled."
" no don't get me wrong I'm happy it's just... Oh no. You want my job."
" Technically it was my job..." Owen cut him off.
" Amelia we need to bring this to the board."
" he is the board Owen! Derek don't do this."
" don't do what?"
" don't ruin this."
" ruin what."
I walked away.


" what is she talking about?" Owen asked
" I have no idea." Mark said
" I do." I followed her.

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