A helping hand

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For the past week nobody could get a hold of Derek all they knew was that he was staying in the house and refusing to go to rehab.
"have we come up with a plan yet to help him out of this whatever he is in or are we just gonna leave him like that?" Alex asked standing in the front door of Derek's house.
" I got a plan I already call for backup." Amelia said
" Who did you call?" Callie asked
" an old friend one who knows what to do when he is in this mood."

Amelia POV:

"AMELIA!" She yelled coming down the hall and hugged me.
" oh my God has it been such a long time since I've seen you I've missed you in LA how have you been?" She asked
" i've been hanging there as much as I can how's the baby?" I asked
"He's good things to you guys I don't know what I would've done if I lost him."
" I know what you mean it's not the best feeling in the world."
" right. Sorry. So where is he?"
" he hasn't left his house in over a week we try to make him go to rehab but he wouldn't go he refused but we don't know what to do anymore none of us have any idea because everything we can come up with he shoots down we have a feeling he doesn't want any more help we have a feeling he's giving up and I think you're our last chance you're his last chance you got to do something because he listened to you at one point you were the woman of his life at one point and now the woman of his life now is gone and it seems like nobody and nothing can heal that wound right now and I can't stand seeing him like this and I know he would do the same for me if I was in the situation or if he  knew I was in this situation so please help us out."
" i'll do what I can Amelia but I don't think he's gonna listen to me anymore the last time we talked it wasn't on the best terms it caused problem between him and her God rest her soul now dead wife butbut I'll try everything I can do but I can't promise anything he's going to do what he's going to want to do and you should know because when we tried helping you you were the same way let's be honest the shepherds are stubborn sometimes you just can't get through to them and you need them to run their course. "
"yeah but I don't think he has a course that's the problem let me has no destination which means he doesn't plan on getting better anytime soon."
" I'll see what I can do."
" thank you."
" you're being paged to the ER." Jackson told her.
" I don't even work here. I'm not on call."
" hunt said to get you."
" can this Derek thing wait?"
" he's been like this for over a month I think he can wait until tonight." I said and Jackson ran with her to the ER.


OK we are all done thank you for jumping onto this case now we can go deal with the whole Derek thing." Jackson said
"Anytime. Now let's go deal with the whole Derek thing so I can go home even though I miss it here."
" maybe Hunt will give you a job"
" I don't know if I want to relive the past I just missed the environment and everything and you guys but I might look into it."
"We'd be glad to have you here again I think it's time to move on with everything and leave everything in the past."
" you may be right Jackson but we have to get Derek out of this rut first."
" let's go do that then."


"Are you going to knock on it and see if he answers?" She asked
" the door is usually unlocked Amelia try it."
She twisted the knob and the door opened.
They all went in.
" Derek." Amelia said
" go away Amelia I don't feel like dealing with everybody." He said
" Derek it's me." She said. He knew that voice from anywhere. The one he hated but once loved. He turned around with the beer in his hand.
"Addison ?What are you doing here?" He asked
"I'm here for you I'm worried about you we all are."
" i'm perfectly fine go home."
"you're not fine Derek you have a beer in your hand and you're not even going to work anymore and you've been in this house for over a month come on she's been gone for a month I know what you're going through but you need to push through your Derek Christopher shepherd the neuro surgeon who saved my brother and many others. Don't stop just because one big pothole in the road got in the way. I know it's your grieving time and no there is no limit to it you just have to get back up on your feet and realize you won't sink once you get over it. We're all here to help Derek so let us help. Don't just push away this time let us help you get through what you're going through."
" I don't need help Addison."
" yes you do Derek whether you like it or not. You have taken care of so many people and now you just have to realize you need help. Let us take care of you for once."
Derek broke down. He gave Addison a hug. He looked lost like he had no more purpose. Everybody just sat there with tears in their eyes not knowing what to do. 
" Derek, we need to get you help." Addison said
" I know." He said
" so let us help you."
Derek nodded without ever letting go of Addison.

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