Who is she?!

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I walked into the OR scrubbed and ready.
" well Dr. Grey glad you can join us."
I smiled and walked over.
" okay so give me the run through."
" 76 year old women. Car accident. Internal damages."
" so you don't need me for the craniotomy..."
" I need a general. Plus you'll be done in time to help me out."
" okay, scalpel."
Once I was done a nurse came in. I remembered her from somewhere. I believe her name was Rose.
" Dr.Shepherd I called that place and we are set for 8 o'clock tonight is that good?"
" that's perfect thanks Rose."
She blushed and walked out.
" so who's Rose?"
" a nurse."
" are you.. Umm.... dating?"
" sort of, we haven't really discussed it yet. But you know what. Yeah we are dating."
" good I'm glad." I started to take off my gown.
" Grey where are you going?"
" I'm gonna head out. You can do this on your own right?" I headed out the doors.
" meredith.."
" no it's fine. Trust me I'm okay."
" MEREDITH!" He yelled after me.
I scrubbed out and when I looked up his eyes met mine but the thing was we both had tears in our eyes. I walked out. I passed his sister.
" Meredith?" Amy asked.
" I'm fine."
She followed me as I continued down the hall. I passed everyone and they followed me.
" Mer where you going?" Callie asked.
" I told you we should have told her before he found out this way!" Alex whispered.
" wait! You knew?!" I turned around and they all stopped, running into each other. They didn't answer.
" You're telling me that for the past month you have been keeping this secret from me?! My friends think they have the right to keep this info from me?! Are you kidding me! SERIOUSLY!" I yelled.
" mer.." Bailey tried to come towards me.
" NO BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIENDS AND YOU KEPT THIS FROM ME! I KNEW WE SHOULD HAVE WORKED THIS OUT BUT NOW IVE LOST HIM FOREVER SO THANK YOU IM ON MY OWN NOW!" I started to walk away when I saw Derek come out and take off his scrub cap. He looked at me with sad eyes.
" and what are you looking at, don't you have a dinner to get to with what's her face." I walked away.
" MEREDITH!" Derek yelled.
" no don't go let her breathe." Jackson said.
" no you guys let her breathe for too long and now she's hurt cause you kept something from her. You don't tell me what to do. Now move."
" what are you going to say?" April asked.
" I still love her."
I ran into the attending lounge and grabbed my stuff. I needed to get out of here.


" what do you mean you love her?" Alex asked.
" follow me." I brought them to the attending lounge but Mer was already gone.
" so.." Arizona asked.
" i know what I did that night was stupid."
" you can say that again." Mark said. Addison and I looked him to shut up.
" we all have done something stupid to mess up our relationship or someone else's that we have regretted to the very end. I know I shouldn't have let her go. I know I shouldn't have laid a finger on her, or any of you. But that was the night Mark came home. I put my anger in a place where it shouldn't have been and it hurt the most important person in my life. I miss my kids, my family, I miss her. I miss her so much it hurts and on days where it hurts the most I don't know if I'm gonna make it. I need her. I love her. I can't live my life without her."
" go get her." Alex said
" what?"
" you have to go fight for her." Jackson stood up with Alex.
" Derek she thinks you've moved on. She thinks there isn't a future anymore. That what you had you threw away. You have to go tell her how you feel." Cristina said.
" if I tell her will you tell them?"
" how did you know?"
" they called me and said thank you for the letter."
" you mailed it in?"
" of course I did you asked me too."
" thanks Derek. Go get her."
" thanks."
" tell us what? Cristina? Derek?"
" she's gonna tell you it's not my news."
" I'm going to Texas. I've accepted a job there and they want me to a move a month from now."
They all congratulated her. Everyone followed me.
" where is she?" I asked
" if she went home she went to my house." Alex said.
" thanks."
" good luck."

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