Another day at the office

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" so tonight do we want to go out with Lexie and Mark for dinner?" Mer asked
" sure sounds good to me. I'll ask Amelia to watch the kids."
" okay well I have surgery I'll see you after."
I kissed her and found my way to the ER.
" DEREK!" Someone called my name.
I looked around.
" DEREK PLEASE HELP!" The same voice called.
" Jackson do you see anybody calling my name."
" no this place is so crowded today what the hell happened?"
" I don't know."
" does that sound like..?" I paused
" Lexie." Jackson said. We both turned around to see a bloody girl sitting on the floor.
" lex what happened?" Jackson asked.
" car accident." She said
" where's Mark and the kids?"
" they're outside unconscious." She passed out.
" what do you want me to do?" Jackson asked I could tell he's a little freaked.
" are you good to go or do you need to sit this one out?"
" I'm good to go."
" good get the two other gurneys. I'll grab Lexie and I'll meet you outside. "
They all came running in.
" Derek what is it you paged 911?!" Arizona asked.
" wait here, Karev can I speak to you."
" what's up?"
" look behind me slowly." He did so
" is that....?"
" yes do not look at meredith you hear me. I need you to get that gurney over there and prepare for a lift assist. You understand?" I was talking calm and slow and quiet.
" yes sir."
" good go no sudden movements." I said
" Robbins, Callie." I kept going.
" okay look behind me by Karev don't say anything just look."
They looked.
" oh my god... Derek." Callie said
" I know now obviously we need hands. Robbins go outside and see if their kid is okay and I need one of you to go check up on Mark. Go now move we don't know how much time we have."
" okay Yang, Hunt, and Altman."
They came.
" okay Mark, Lexie, and their kid were in a car accident. I don't know the conditions I just know what happened. I need one of you to go with Karev to help get Lexie to a trauma room and start a work up. I need the other two to help them out outside to see what's going on and move them in here. Go fast."
They left.
" Bailey, Webber, Wilson. There was an accident with Mark, and Lexie and their kid. Before you start asking questions I don't have any answers. I need two outside and one in here. Don't run. Walk slowly no sudden movements. Don't alarm meredith. Okay go."
" Kepner. Avery. Come here." Meredith looked at me weird.
" okay Jackson I need you with Lexie and April I'm giving you the most important job. I'm about to tell meredith what's going on but then I have to go. You can go to the trauma rooms and help out but when I tag you out you need to check on her understand?"
" yes anything to help."
" okay go slowly."
I stepped towards meredith. "Derek what's going on?" She asked.
" meredith there has been an accident."
" okay that's why we're in the ER."
" no meredith with people close to us. I need you to stay calm and don't freak out on me. I'm here for you we all are I need you to listen to me carefully. Okay? I love you I'm gonna do the best for you."
" Derek you're scaring me."
" that's because we are all scared."
" what happened."
I was holding her shoulders.
" it's Lexie and Mark and their kid. They were in an accident."
She started to tear up and try to see past me.
" well well are they okay where are they derek?"
" mer meredith no look at me. Okay just look at me like the day we got married just you and me right now okay? I don't know the answers to your questions I haven't heard anything. Once I'm done here I'm gonna go check things out. Stay here do you hear me. Stay here. I love you." I kissed her and gave her a hug.
" go you gotta go, go." She said pulling away.
" okay.." I turned towards a nurse. " keep an eye on her for me." The nurse nodded and sat her on a bed.
" Derek we need you out here." Hunt said.
I went outside to see the damage. There was blood on the gravel and blood in the ambulance. I put my gloves and gown on. Hunt stood beside me.
" this is yours shepherd. You're running this."
" mmm." I continued " okay let's get going who do I see first."
" Mark!" Wilson called.
" kepner I'm tagging you out go check on meredith!" I yelled to her. She went inside.
" give me the run through Jo."
" Mark Sloan 36 car accident. Has laceration on his head and possible internal injuries, road burn on the face with a broken femur."
" okay get him inside now."
" okay Robbins give me a run through."
" Elizabeth Sloan 2 years old car accident victim no visible injuries."
" okay get her inside now."
I walked inside an saw meredith crying. I walked into Lexie's trauma room.
" what's going on Karev."
" Lexie grey 32 car accident victim. Looks like a brain bleed and 6 broken ribs."
" okay get the scans done now. Go run!"
I walked out as they ran Lexie passed meredith.
" kepner you're free to go."
" you gonna be okay?" April asked
" yeah go thanks April." They gave each other a hug. Amelia ran in.
" Derek sorry what's going on?" I didn't say anything. Mer was staring at the trauma room doors and I was staring at her. Amelia followed mer's eyes.
" oh my god.. Derek... Oh my god meredith I'm so sorry."
" just help me out okay." Mer said
" I promise I'll do everything i can."
" go with Mark." I told amy.
She walked into the room their daughters room.
" how's it going Robbins?" I asked
" she hasn't cried."
" get her scans and get her to the OR now!" They ran out and I followed.
" Derek? Derek what's wrong with the baby?!" Mer cried.
" meredith, the baby hasn't cried.."
" oh my god."
" I'm sorry mer." I gave her a hug.
" try to save them derek."
" I'm doing my best."
I ran into Mark's room. Amy looked at me.
" You shouldn't be in here Derek."
" neither should Callie but we're in here. What's going on."
" he's been running signs of v-tech." Callie said.
" okay when you've got him stable enough I need you to run tests."
" Yepp got it."
I got paged 911 by Karev.

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