The Chase

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Meredith came into my room with breakfast.
" where's the kids?" I asked
" daycare I was gonna bring them in after lunch."
" sounds good to me."
She just stared into my eyes.
" what?" I asked
" nothing I'm just so happy you're okay."
" come here."
I pulled her into the bed and kissed her. Our kiss was broken by the sound of the sheriff running in.
" DEREK!" He yelled
" what's up sheriff?"
" he's here."
" who's here?"
" Anna's father."
I turned pale.
" Mer I want you to go get the kids and bring them here. Sheriff get two of your men to escort my wife."
" you got it." He went out into the hall and you could here him talking over his radio.
" I need two men to come to Dr.Shepherds room armed and ready to go to escort his wife to his children then back up to their room." He told them.
" you'll be okay I trust his men. You know you can page me if you're in trouble. I love you."
" I love you too."
She was escorted to the daycare and back and then they locked the room. We were stuck in their for a good 3 hours. The sheriff came knocking on the door.
" derek! Derek we have news!"
" good news?"
" yes. We got him and we are putting him in jail."
" thanks man I appreciate it"
The rest of the day was quiet and peaceful. The daycare had closed since all the parents wanted their kids with them. Meredith went back to work as zo and bailey sat on my bed.
" well well well, don't we have some guests here. Hi zo, hi bailey." Alex said coming in.
I laughed " Karev what are you doing up here."
" I wanted to come see my favorite niece and nephew."
" that's sweet and all now Karev tell me why you are really here."
He grabbed Zola and put her on his lap.
He pointed towards bailey " you're next." Bailey giggled.
" Mer asked all of us to come and visit you so you wouldn't get lonely. I get the first shift."
" lucky you."
" you're not that bad."
" neither are you." I said smiling. " you're a good guy Alex, I'm not the only one who sees that."
" meaning?"
" Jo, your friends, your family."
" huh, what family."
" Karev, you practically lived with us for years. We had practice being a parent when all the strays came to live with us. Alex you're our family and we are yours. This whole hospital is your family. You got to admit you love it. You love us."
He smiled " yeah I do that's for damn sure."
" mmhmm."
When Callie came to relieve Alex he looked upset.
" Karev what's wrong?" I asked
" I think I just made a decision."
" about?" Callie asked.
" creating the family I never had."
He walked out and Callie sat down.
" what is he talking about?"
" kids."
" with Jo?"
" mmhmm." I smiled
" how's everything up here."
" just lovely the kids are here and that makes time go by a little quicker."
" I could see why." As Zola ran around the room with her Barbie.
" mmhmm." I giggled.
Mer came up before she left.
" come on zo grab your stuff time to let daddy rest." Mer said.
" so sending up all of our friends and colleagues was your idea?"
" I know I'm sorry I should have just left you alone. I just thought it would be better to have company rather that stare at the walls."
" come here."
" what why?"
" meredith just come here."
I pulled her into my bed.
" thank you. It was a good idea and I needed it. I appreciate all that you do for me. I love you Meredith."
" I love you too."
At the end of the day mer and the kids went home and everyone came up to say goodnight and I knew that tomorrow it would be the same thing.

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