After the baby is born

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I nudged meredith when the alarm went off.

" come on its your first day back to work " I slid her closer to me.

She mumbled as a response. I got up and got the kids ready.

" good morning zozo how was your first night with a new roommate?"

" good"

" I'm glad zo okay can you get dressed for daddy and he will make you whatever you want for breakfast."

" oatmeal with bananas!"

" oatmeal with bananas it is."

She ran off to get ready " that was easy, all right bailey time to get you ready."

When we got into the kitchen I made Zola and Bailey their breakfast.

" meredith come on we gotta get going!" I yelled.

" I'm right here stop yelling. Good morning Zola good morning bailey."

Zola finished her breakfast in a heart beat. " Zola don't rush next time. Go get your shoes on please." I said.

" I will put Bailey and Zola in daycare today since the chief wants to speak to you."

" okay I will take them tomorrow then."

We got to the hospital and the ladies at the day care surrounded me. They all wanted to hold Bailey. I dropped him off with them and left. Addison was sitting on the stairwell.

" Addison? What's wrong?"

" Derek. How's the kids and the wife?"

" they are all good meredith is back today so the kids are at daycare."

" that's good."

" you can go see them if you want."

" thanks I will."

" okay what's really wrong."

" I don't know, I feel like since I'm back I should be happy..."

" but your not."

" no, and I don't know what the problem is."

" Addi, you'll be fine you just gotta give it some time."

" thanks derek." She leaned in and I felt something. Something I didn't like, like I was going back in time. I was. She kissed me. I pulled back.

"Addison! What the hell!"

" I'm so sorry derek I don't know what that was about."

" Addison! I can't do this! We aren't together. I finally have everything I've ever wanted and you hair ruined it!"

" nobody has to know derek!"

" yeah my wife does because I love her more than anything and we don't lie to each other this is what a healthy relationship looks like."

I stormed out of the room and found a nurse. " page Dr. Grey please"

" right away doctor" she responded.

" Derek what what's wrong."

I pulled her into an on call room.

" I love you you know that right I love you so much I wouldn't do anything to destroy what we have. I would never cheat on you. I love you and I never want to lose you."

" Derek what did you do."

" Addi kissed me."

" I'm sorry?! She what! And you just let her?!"

" no I pulled away."

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