Tell him

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" Derek! Derek you okay?" Mark asked
" no. I'm not my sister has been through so much and nothing good can come out of anything. God. She's pregnant. This is supposed to be the happiest day of her life."
" it's going to be okay Derek. You can get through this."
" I just don't know how much more bad news I can take."
" meredith's pregnant isn't she?"
" what? How'd you know?"
" you only act like this when something happens and it relates to you. Congrats man. "
" thanks Mark." I gave him a hug
" drinks later?"
" yeah."
" where you going?" He asked
" going to go talk to Owen."
" he's in surgery."
" oh. Okay let's go."
We scrubbed in and walked in.
" shepherd? What's going on?" Owen asked. Jackson, April, Callie, and Arizona were in there with him.
Addison and Mer walked in.
" Derek.. Don't." Addison said
" he needs to know."
" April come here." I said
" what's up?" She asked
We huddled up.
" okay. So we are about to give Owen some good news and bad. Once I give him the bad news then he is going to step away from the patient and you will take over. Do you understand me?"
" yes sir."
" alright go on."
" Derek what's going on?" He asked
Addison nodded at me giving me the go ahead.
" Owen. Amelia is pregnant."
" Oh my god!! That's great!"
" wait.. Don't.. Don't get too excited. There's a problem with her pregnancy."
" what is it?"
" she's pregnant with twins... Umm.."I couldn't continue.
" Owen.." Addison stepped in " the twins are conjoined."
" what do you mean conjoined."
" they are conjoined by the back."
Owen dropped the tools.
" April." I said.
" chief why don't you step back. Let April take over." Jackson said. He just stood there.
" Owen. I got this." April said taking over.
" Amelia doesn't know anything yet. We were about to go tell her." Addison said. Once they were done with the surgery we all walked to her room.
" Amelia?" I knocked on her door.
" Derek! Come on in." She chirped.
We all walked in.
" what's wrong?" She asked seeing our faces.
" Amelia..." Owen said and sat down next to her.
" you guys are scaring me."
" Amelia you are pregnant with twins." Addison said. Mer and I went and stood next to her. I held her hand.
Addison continued.
" the thing is the babies are conjoined at the back."
" so um what does this mean?"
" no book says you can't deliver them. So you will. But they need to be rushed to the OR and be separated. "
" and then they'll be fine?"
" we are hoping."
" why is this happening? I'm sober."
" I know kiddo I don't know." I gave her a hug.
" is there anything I can do?" She asked
" you're doing everything you can right now. You are doing everything right." Addison said.
" so just be patient for the next nine months?"
" that's all you can do. I do want to see you monthly though."
" okay."
" Derek, Meredith can I talk to you outside please?"
We both walked out.
" what's up?" I asked
" Amelia is in a fragile state right now so we all need to be there for her. I suggest she stays at your house for the nine months." Addie said.
Mer looked at me.
" we have the room." She said
" until that baby pops out."
" yeah but that's 7 months away."
" still... Amelia is my sister and she can stay with us for however long she needs to but we need to make sure we have enough room for us."
" I know. I think we have enough room. Derek go tell your sister she's moving in."
" I love you."
" I love you too." I gave her a hug.
We walked in.


" Amelia?" I asked
" yeah?"
" what's your plans for the next nine months?" Derek asked
" I don't know. I guess I don't have any."
" we want you to come stay at our house or the next few months."
" or however long you need." I added.
" I don't want to impose."
" it's not imposing. We're both pregnant so we can take care of each other. Plus double the pregnant women the more happy Derek is."
Derek rolled his eyes.
" are you guys sure? What about my apartment?"
" we can sell it. Or owen can live in it."
" it's fine Amelia. Come stay with us."I said
" Umm I kinda like my apartment." Owen said
" owen I suggest you don't be an ass right now cause yo haven't been on my good side lately." Derek said glaring at him.
" alrighty so it's settled. Amelia will move in with us and we will sell her apartment and she can use the money."
" thanks you guys!" She chirped
" I'm so excited!" I jumped.
" alright I'll go sign your discharge papers." Derek walked out.
" I'll go with him." Owen said after I gave him a look.


I found a nurse. " could you get me my sisters discharge papers?"
" right away."
I was signing them when Owen came up from behind me.
" do I need to sign somewhere?" He asked
" nope. No need for you here."
" Derek..."
" Owen I told you when you say my name you better have something to say."
" I do."
I turned towards him. " well..?"
" I'm sorry."
" for?"
" everything. Getting together with your sister without you knowing or your permission. Getting her pregnant. Having you mad at me."
" okay stop there. Yeah you could have told me you were seeing my sister, that's common courtesy. Getting her pregnant was an accident I'm guessing. Me getting mad at you was because you did all these and you wouldn't give up your apartment."
" Derek the reason I'm not giving up my apartment is because I'm looking for a house."
" what?"
" I wanna marry your sister and I'm here to ask your permission."
" ask."
" Derek I love your sister and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to protect her and keep her safe. I want to have a family with her. Derek I love her."
" that should be your vows."
" what? Is that a yes."
" that's a yes."
" thanks Derek!"
" take care of her." We have each other a hug.
" let's take my sister home." I added.
We got Amelia into our house and got her settled. Everybody was there to celebrate the pregnancies. Owen tinkled a glass.
" Amelia, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," meredith cut him off.
" what is he doing?" She asked
" you'll see." I giggled
" I want to protect you and keep you safe for as long as I live. I love you. I want to have a family with you. I love you. Amelia Shepherd will you marry me?"
Amelia jumped up. " Yes yes I will marry you!" They kissed and everyone clapped.
" so who's the best man?" Mer asked nudging me.
" Mark." He said
" me? What what about Derek?" He asked
" somebody's gotta walk me down the aisle." Amelia smiled " will you?" She asked. Tears came to my eyes.
" of course I will Amelia. I'd be honored. I love you. I'm so happy for you." I gave her a kiss and a hug. I shook Owen's hand and continued the party.
" you knew?" Mer asked.
" he asked me when I was signing the discharge papers."
" and you didn't tell me?"
" he wanted it to be a surprise."
I grabbed a beer and went over by the boys.
" so four kids Huh?" Mark said
" Yepp. Four kids."
" you gonna be able to handle it?" alex asked
" I have to."
" well I can bring the car around. No one has to know." Mark giggled
" well doesn't that sound familiar?"
" meaning?" Jackson asked
" he said that to me both weddings."
" well I wanted you to know I was there for you."
" thanks buddy but I think I got it from here."
" this is everything you've ever wanted." Mark said putting a hand on my shoulder.
" yeah. It really is."

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