Mapping the Brain

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Meredith was home and dealing with whole giving birth to a still baby. We were getting through it. It took a lot of therapy and sometimes one of us sleeping on the couch. I was working while she was taking some time off.
" Derek!" I turned around.
" Mark."
" how is she today?"
" she was sleeping when I left"
" you didn't say goodbye?"
" I left a note. Mark what do you need?"
" Hunt wants to talk to you."
" about?"
" I don't know but it sounds big."
I walked into his office.
" you wanted to see me?"
" yeah. Come on in. How's Mer?"
" she's hanging in there. We both are."
" the kids?"
" Umm Bailey and Olivia were too young to understand and I don't know what Zola thinks. We are having her talk to a child therapist."
" that's good."
" not really but what did you want to talk to me about?"
" brain mapping."
" what about it."
" well, a company from D.C. Is coming today and they want your opinion."
" I don't know Hunt I have a lot on my plate right now."
" I know. They just want to know what you have to say."
" I can't Owen." I started to walk out.
" you can't just sit with them and hear them out?"
" fine. Page me when they're ready."
I called Meredith.
" hello?" She answered
" hey how's it going?"
" good there?"
" good Umm I might be a little late tonight."
" why what's going on? You okay?"
" yeah I'm fine everything's okay. Owen wants me to sit and talk with these guys from D.C. through the brain mapping process."
" that's fantastic Derek!"
" mmmm."
" it's not fantastic?.."
" I don't know. I'll talk to you later okay?"
" yeah. I love you."
" I love you too." I hung up the phone.
" hey I heard congrats man!" Alex said.
" thanks."
" yeah Derek this is big for you." Jackson said
" listen guys it's just a conference."
" no I bet you'll be asked to go to D.C." Alex said
" then you'll have to move there." Jackson added.
" I'm not moving. We're not moving. Not now. We aren't ready." I walked away.


" Ahhh right on time. Everybody this is Dr. Derek Shepherd." Owen said as I walked in. " you brought Bailey?" He whispered.
" I told you I didn't have time."
" I am so glad that you decided to talk with us Dr. shepherd."
" Derek. Please. And it's my pleasure."
They started to watch their movie.
" wanna watch a movie? Let's watch a movie." I said to Bailey.
At the end they all turned towards me.
" so will you help us?"
" no. Not if this is what you're doing."
" I'm sorry?"
" you don't kiss someone by puckering your lips. You see someone and you remember why you desire them. Your sympathetic nervous system quickens your pulse, your frontal lobe lowers your inhibition, and you need to kiss them. It happens all at once. We're impulsive and compulsive."
" so your saying don't look at the world look at the universe...."
" I'm saying step back and look."
They talked within themselves. I got up.
" Ummm you're leaving?" Hunt whispered.
" shh they're just starting to get it."
I grabbed the kids and headed home.
" hey how'd the conference go?" Mer asked as I walked in.
" I don't think their project is going to continue."
" aww I'm sorry."
" help me put the kids to bed?"
" okay."
She grabbed the girls and I put Bailey in his bed. I grabbed the pillows and blanket off the bed and laid down on the couch.
" what are you doing?" Mer asked
" it's my turn to sleep on the couch."
" no."
" what?"
" I mean no. No more of this. Derek come on. The only way we are going to get through this is together. Come to bed."
" are you sure?"
" either that or I'm sleeping on the couch with you."
I smiled. I turned on the tv.
" move over." She said.
I pulled her close and gave her a kiss. We ended up falling asleep on the couch until Olivia started to cry.
" I'll get her." Mer said
" no I got it."
" no you get some rest you have to go to work."
" yeah but she's daddy's little girl."
" don't let zola hear that."
" mmhmm." I looked at her as I went upstairs.
I ended up bringing Olivia down so she wouldn't wake the others.
" mommy is sleeping so you gotta be quiet."
" mommy is not sleeping. Give me my baby."
I handed her Olivia and snuck behind her and pulled her back so she was leaning on me.
" I love you." I whispered.
" I love you too." Mer said.
" we'll get through this." I said
" yeah we will."
I kissed her hard. Olivia started clapping and Mer and I laughed.

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