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We were almost there when we heard this weird leak coming from outside. We had booked the plane before our fight so Mer and I were sitting next to each other not talking. The masks came down and we started to fall. Mer grabbed onto my arm so I let her. What was I supposed to do? She may not love me anymore but I still love her. I went unconscious. When I woke up I had a bunch of questions running through my head.
Where am I?
What happened?
Where is everyone?
Where's meredith?
Why does my hand hurt?
I noticed my hand was stuck in a piece of plane an my leg had a massive cut on it.

Meredith POV:

" MEREDITH! MER WAKE UP!" Cristina was yelling at me.
" what happened? Where are we?"
" I don't know but I lost my shoe"
" where is everybody?"
" I don't know the plane broke or something and I lost my shoe where did it go?!"
I heard someone screaming and saw Arizona staring at her leg and her talking about how it's funny cause her wife is an Ortho surgeon and she's staring at her bone. I saw Mark lying unconscious so I went to wake him up.
" mer where's Lexie?" He asked
" I don't know."
I found her under a plane but we couldn't lift it.
" I'm gonna die Mer."
" No lex you're not."
" you've been a great sister and I love you."
" stop Lexie you aren't going anywhere."
" Mark where's derek?"
" you didn't see him?"
"No cristina help me fine derek!"
We both went looking but couldn't find him. Cristina made us set up flares so someone would find us. The pilot was stuck and was trying to get in touch with someone.

Derek POV:

I had to get to meredith. I ripped my hand from the plane and screamed from the pain. I got on my feet steadied myself and followed footprints hoping it would lead me to everyone else.
" DEREK!" I looked up to see meredith and everyone else staring at me.
" meredith.... I heard your voice and I thought I was hallucinating but I wasn't." I passed out from the pain.
" derek derek wake up." Meredith was tapping me.
" we need to close your leg." Cristina looked at me.
" with what?" Mer asked.
" I have a pin."
" okay."
Meredith put a towel in my mouth.
" please pass out please pass out." She said holding it as I screamed and I passed out from the incredible pain.
When I woke up I had a towel wrapped around my leg and lying on a rock.
" mer... Meredith?" I called
" derek you're awake."
" yeah..." I saw her head was bleeding so I sat up quickly and touched it.
" you're bleeding we need to take care of you."
" I'm okay."
" your leg too? Meredith that's a big cut."
" I'm fine. Arizona, Lexie and Mark aren't."
" give me the run through."
" arizona is staring at her bone, Lexie is stuck under a piece of plane and Mark keeps trying to die on us."
" okay I gotta get up. I gotta help."
" no derek you can't your leg."
I couldn't stand up she was right. It was starting to get dark. We all sat within eye and ear shot of each other trying to stay alive. Every once in a while they would get up and try to get Lexie out from under the plane but couldn't.
" I'm hungry." Cristina said
" don't think about it." Mer said
" I'm hungry and cold and the fire is about to die out."
" how many matches do we have left?"
" one."
" so light it."
" you do it be careful."
" okay." They lit it but the wind blew it out so we bundled up.
" derek?" Mer asked.
" mm?"
" I'm really sorry."
" not now meredith."
" I still love you and the kids."
" I said not now meredith!"
I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to hear the words " I'm leaving you." Those words I dreaded.

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