Proof of what happened

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I stormed out of the room and walked to Hunts office with Derek walking behind me.

" mer, meredith come on."

" leave me alone derek"

" meredith nothing happened I pushed her off of me."

" we'll see"

" what?"

" nothing."

" hunt I need a favor." I said.

" sure anything."

" I need you to give me the camera footage of the stairwell about 10 minutes ago."

" for what?"

" well Addison and derek shared a kiss and I need to know who to be pissed at."

He looked at derek. " no don't look at him pretend he's not here I need to know."

After I saw the footage I told a nurse to page Addison Montgomery. She came into Hunts office. Derek and Hunt shut and locked the door and closed the blinds.

" what's going on guys?" She asked looking at Derek.

" no don't look at him he's my husband you lost your chance you lost him and now he's mine. You have always tried to take him away from me to break us apart but every time you have failed. So why do you think today of all days it would work? Why now kiss my husband? Because I have what you wanted from him? A family? Well you cheated on him and now you are forcing him to cheat on me. I don't know what you want from me anymore Addison but you can't have him unless he wants you."

She had tears in her eyes " Derek, I'm still in love with you I will always be in love with you. I know we had a rough time in the past and I regret cheating on you. I always dream about what life would be right now if we were still together. Derek I still love you and I'm hoping you sill love me. Do you?"

Without hesitating Derek answered. We were all waiting for his answer.

" addi, I know you regret everything I can see it but you wanna know what life would have been like if we were still together? I don't. It would have been just like this. I would have left you once I found Meredith and I would have had a family with her instead of you. I loved you once but now I don't anymore. I love my wife and I couldn't love anyone else other than her. I can never cheat on her because she's the only person I want. I made my decision years ago Addison. I chose the right one when I chose meredith instead of staying with you. Of course I will always be your friend and I will always be there for you but we will never be anything more. I love Meredith and I wanna be with her for the rest of my life. She's the only good and right thing I have done in my life. She's the right choice. She's my choice. She's the love of my life not you I don't love you in that way. I love Meredith and I forever will. I think it's time for you to go Addison goodbye."

Addison ran out of the room and derek came and put his hand on my cheek.

" when I said I loved you, when I said I will never cheat on you, that you are the only one I want in my arms, that you are the love of my life, and that I only want you I meant that. I meant that because I love you. I love you and nobody else. Only you. It's you and me now and the whole world is our canvas." He wrapped his arms around me and gave me the hardest kiss he ever gave me.

" I love you Meredith Grey."

" I love you too Derek."

" listen if you two want the rest of the day off id understand." Owen said.

" I think we might take the rest of the day off thanks Owen." Derek said never leaving my eyes.

" no problem "

We got our kids and went home.

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