season 9 part 9:Truth Of The Mask Part 6

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Yoruichi:soi fon go make sure no one interrupts kisuke and I

Soi fon:but captain-

Kisuke:hyori I need you to do a favor for me

Hyori:what now

Kisuke:I need you to go make sure that no one has broken into my room

Hyori:who'd break into your room

Kisuke:I'm hoping no one

Hyori:Fine I guess but don't expect me to clean up maybe I'll make it trashy.... More then what it already is

Kisuke:thank you hyori

Soi fon:she's so disrespectful to her captain

Yoruichi:soi fon get going something tells me this is important isn't it kisuke

Kisuke gives nothing but a smirk as the two leave the captains in the room alone immediately the two arms fly up and set up a barrier to keep people from listening in

Kisuke:now that we have some privacy we can talk

Yoruichi:from the look of yours I'd say this is really bad

Kisuke:it is I heard about the missing soul reapers

Yoruichi:so your heard the news then

Kisuke:that's right further more I believe I know the cause

Yoruichi sits up at this expecting the worst

Kisuke:I believe it's Hollowfication


Kisuke:that's right though I don't have solid proof without a sample however soul reapers that die are sent into the circle of reincarnation however these weren't they were completely destroyed further more I recently discovered a hollow that can erase memories not only that but the hollow latches on to the person who's memories it's taken only to move to a stronger host later
so putting together all I have access two I come to a conclusion someone is experimenting on the hollows and attempting to break the wall dividing soul reapers and hollows

Yoruichi:kisuke I don't get why your telling me this don't you think that maybe you should take this to the head captain or even to central 46 they would try everything to get the one that's attempting to break the wall... Unless you accidentally broke it yourself

Kisuke:well your not wrong that I did break the wall myself however I tried to destroy the thing that breaks that wall nothing I tried would work but with what's going on low level soul reapers a extraction squad what's next

Yoruichi:you mean there going after captains and lieutenants next

Kisuke:that's what I think

Yoruichi:what do you need me to do kisuke

Kisuke:right now nothing when they play their hand I'll play mine I just hope that my hand is good enough

Yoruichi:so your telling me so you have someone who will back you up if worst comes to it and they try to execute you

Kisuke:no I'm telling you so someone will know the truth

Yoruichi:you know I won't let you do this alone neither will Tessai

Kisuke:I know but I would rather not drag people into this right now but I also want you to know the truth before the worst comes

Yoruichi:kisuke:you do what you have to I'll do what I feel is right


The two drop the barriers as kisuke turns to leave

Yoruichi:kisuke it was good to see you out side your lab I worried I would have to come drag you out of there

Kisuke:hehe hey I wouldn't worry about that my lieutenant is good at that see ya

Yoruichi:not wanting to drag people into it and you found a way to break the wall even if by mistake not to mention someone else trying to do that if central 46 finds out he'll be executed I won't let that happen I'll just have to hope it doesn't come to that or I will get involved

Time skip

A hell butterfly is seen going towards the squad 12 barracks as kisuke looks towards it and let's it land on his fingers as it delivers it's message

Kisuke:A captains meeting

Kisuke let's the hell butterfly fly away as he looks towards the moon

Kisuke:this is bad I thought I would have more time... Wait didn't kensei and a few members of his squad but if that's the case then their send more captains and lieutenants and they may want squad 12 to study it they would only send people with captain or lieutenan level spiritual pressure they won't send mayrui they wouldn't send me either so that leaves.....Hyori

Thinking quickly kisuke grabs a black cloak and hides it under his shihakusho

Scene change

Yoruichi:a captains meeting kisuke I hope you figured out a way to reverse it

Scene change

Shinji:a captains meeting eh man what a pain I was just getting ready for some shut eye to oh well

Time skip

All of the captains are at the squad one barracks ready for the meeting

Yamamoto:we will now call this captains meeting to order

Yamamoto slams his cane on the ground

Kisuke/Shinji/yoruichi:please let this bad feeling I have be wrong

To be continued

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