Season 13 Part 16:The princes knight

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Y/n watches as Ichigo comes in and lands beside him seeing two zanpakuto with his brother instead of the one big one from before Ichigo looks at y/n and quickly notices the distress on his face even while y/n is hiding it a shadow falls over Ichigos face

Ichigo:what the hell did you say to my little brother to more him feel like upset.......Depending on what it is I'll kill you both quickly or very slowly and painfully

Y/n:I'm not a kid Ichigo I can handle myself

Ichigo:so what it's the job of the oldest to keep the younger siblings safe isn't it

Y/n smiles slightly at this

Ichigo:well whatever he said once we finish kicking their asses we're talk about it

Y/n looks at Ichigo before looking all around seeing the destruction  surrounding them before his eyes falls upon Yamamoto's body

Y/n looks at juha and haschwalth

Y/n:yeah let's go

Juha smiles at this Ichigo gets ready to take on juha and haschwalth but notices juha smile grow wider as Ichigos eyes fly open wide seeing a all to familiar red blade come at him as he ducks it jumping back as y/n turns and looks at Ichigo

Y/n:Just stay out of the way


Y/n raises his blade and charges forward clashing blades with Ichigo as caliber meets the cyber knife and Claudius meets the big sword Ichigo looks into y/n's eyes seeing the look in them his eyes go wide seeing the cold look in them as y/n gathers wind around caliber shooting it off at Ichigo who is sent back sliding on the ground as y/n raises his blade again to fight more juha notices the shadows are begining to grab at him

Juha:enough y/n...let us go

Y/n looks back caliber returning to a sheath and sheathing Claudius before appearing at juha side


Ichigo:LIKE HELL!!!

Ichigo charges forward as haschwalth steps toward grabbing his sword but is stopped by y/n who turns around with light in his hand

Y/n:Bakudo number 30 Shitotsu Sansen

Three fangs of light are created and launched at Ichigo hitting him and sending him back into some rubble and impailing him to it as Ichigo watches as juha, haschwalth and y/n walk through some type of portal before letting out a scream of rage as his spiritual pressure raises breaking him free

Ichigo:damn it y/n we could have taken him together.... Why


Y/n:I'm sorry but this is for the best Ichigo

Y/n walks forward with juha into a room after arriving at the Quincy palace

Juha:welcome..... Home y/n where you belong

Walking into a room y/n sees several other Quincy who look at juha and
y/n before taking a knee


Juha waits a few moments

Juha:you should welcome your prince home as well

Juha says this as his eyes narrow the Quincy quickly take notice


Juha leads y/n through the castle as
Y/n heard the sound of someone being slapped juha doesn't stop or take notice of it but y/n looks and sees the same Quincy girl from before being pulled by the hair by a few guys one of them go to lift up her shirt but his arm is grabbed by y/n as juha looks back at this several other Quincy take notice of y/n leaving juha side

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