season 11 part 5:clash for the future

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Y/n and Aizen stare into each other's eyes Ichigo on top of the plateau waiting watching as the two below dissapear from sight reappearing with their zanpakuto clashing the ground around them being wiped out from the clash as y/n pushes Aizen back shocking Aizen who still believes that neither brother truly evolved rather then accepting the possibility that they could he believes this to be a miracle a simple moment where y/n's physical strength exceeded Aizen's own Aizen smirks at this believing it to not be able to happen again the two dissapear from sight once more ichigos eyes moving towards the sky as the two reappear clashing blades once more the clouds in the sky completely gone now as the two far back to the ground

Aizen:is this all you can do two Strike and you have yet to do anything of any that is actually threatening

Y/n's eyes narrow as flames burst Claudius the flames seem to almost completely die out being absorbed into Claudius the zanpakuto now glowing a bright red Aizen watches this his interest being peaked as y/n swings Claudius towards Aizen no flames shoot out but it becomes impossible to breathe in that area a burning seems to catch aizen's attention as if his entire body was just lit ablaze Aizen seems to dissapear as the entire area explodes all at once a explosion of fire Aizen reappears behind y/n

Aizen:impressive truly but I'm afraid that won't be enough

Aizen's body smoldering from the heat if he had stayed in that spot then it would have been far worst

Aizen:this pain means nothing the Hoygoku will heal me and then I wi-

Y/n rushes towards aizen Claudius still glowing a bright red immediately dropping in front of aizen as he strikes aizen is cut across the chest the heat Cauterizing the cut before any blood can escape aizen dissapearing and then reappearing on higher ground as his body heals aizen gritting his teeth before letting out a breath attempting to calm himself he manages to do so as y/m raises his blades as if saying come and get me

Aizen dissapears and reappears swinging his blade at y/n who raises his two zanpakuto in a x formation blocking the strike the ground beneath him breaking under the pressure sparks flying everywhere as y/n twists his body forcing aizen to follow through with his swing causing Kyoka Suigetsu to his the ground as he's spinning y/n cuts Aizen with caliber blood spraying onto the ground but the Hoygoku quickly heals Aizenm who twists his own body to face y/n and rushes forward as Aizen strikes at y/n who is on the defensive striking at whatever opening he can create the mountain as well as the ground and a round then seems to be destroyed with each strike swung and each strike blocked Aizen going to swing at y/n from the side y/n brings his own blade up to block once more but Aizen stops the swing spins and strikes y/n in the back as his wound begins to heal y/n spins to face Aizen bringing his leg up and kicking Aizen in the gut forcing him back as Aizen slides to a stop y/n appears above him swinging caliber down aizen moves to the side dodging the strike and swings kyoka suigetsu upwards and cuts y/n across the chest as his blood sprays onto the ground y/n retaliates by swinging Claudius at aizen as the moisture in the air disappearing where y/n swings said blade cutting aizen across the chest the wound immediately Cauterizing as aizen moves quickly away a explosion of flames once more happens as they go to move past ichigo who fires a nameless getsuga at them stopping it though it does result in another explosion aizen appears behind y/n who notices this and spin kicks him in the stomach sending aizen sliding back

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