season 4 part 10:rukia returns

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Y/n and ichigo have arrived at squad four


Kyoraku:ok now we can begin captain soi fon is out with yoruichi searching for the head captain kenpachi is missing and captain Hitsugaya is searching seireitei for any reshi we can trace  captain kurotsuchi is doing research in his lab

Ukitake:that leaves us

Ichigo:what about captain konomura

Unohana:he is currently in treatment having received critical injuries the day the zanpakuto rebelled

Y/n:so we're short handed

Ukitake:and if what you say is true captain kuchiki is a traitor

Y/n:............i don't think so

Kyoraku:what do you mean

Y/n:I may have not known him for very long but in the time I have known him I learned he isn't the type of person to do something for no reason think back to what the info we found on munamasa he's a zanpakuto that belonged to a kuchiki

Ichigo:what are you getting at

Y/n:my point is he's a kuchiki the head of the family it's likely he feels some responsibility for this and is waiting for the right moment to strike

Kyoraku:interesting point you have there

Ukitake:if that's true then he's doing this knowing how much trouble he'll get in

Y/n:I don't think he cares he's likely doing all this as head of the family so it's his duty to take them out at least it is in his mind he'll do whatever it takes

Scene change brought to you by

Rukia is getting ready to leave for soul society

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Rukia is getting ready to leave for soul society

Urahaha:you sure your ready to go back

Rukia:yes I should be fine ready sode no shirayuki

Shirayuki:yes lady rukia let's go

Urahaha opens the senkimon and rukia and shirayuki rush through it

While running through the dangai

Shirayuki:lady rukia if it's fine with you I shall return to your inner world now

Rukia:what why

Shirayuki:this way munamasa will believe I had died he gave me the orders to chase you into the human world because he knew it would get y/n's attention and he knew if y/n went to soul society Ichigo kurosaki was going to follow his brother the two share that kinda of bond after all

Rukia:I see why didn't you tell us this

Shirayuki:I told y/n and Ichigo but they didn't seem to care

Rukia:that sounds about right all right then let's do this shirayuki

Shirayuki:yes lady rukia

Shirayuki returns to rukia's inner world

As rukia makes it out of the dangai and into the seireitei

Rukia looks around

Rukia:at least seireitei isn't on fire anymore

Shirayuki:..... Sorry

Rukia:you were under munamasa's control it's not your fault if anything it's my fault for giving you a reason to have resentment

Rukia flash steps to the place where the high level spiritual energys are at

Scene change

Rukia:excuse me


Rukia enters the meeting area in squad four well it's move of a room with a table but it's been turned into a meeting room

Ukitake:rukia your back are you alright

Rukia:yes I'm fine I was healed by kisuke Urahaha

Shirayuki:he even apologized to you

Unohana:.... Are you sure your alright


Kyoraku:why where you in the human world

Rukia:I was charged their by my own zanpakuto spirit captain kyoraku

Ukitake:and what of your zanpakuto now

Rukia:well sshe with Mr but we would like to keep that a secret

Unohana:what why


Shirayuki manifests beside rukia

Shirayuki:I'm back with my master

Ukitake:that's good we still don't know what happens when a different soul reaper destroys someone else's zanpakuto spirits

Y/n:at any case it's good to see you back up and moving  rukia



Y/n:you've got to be kidding me

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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