season 6 part 3:in hueco mundo

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Aizen:my sons come here

56:yes father


76:tell us daddy is mommy alright is she talking again

Aizen:the hoguku is fine she isnt talking your reunion is drawing near we have guests but before you go to face him I want you to let ulqiuorra fight him

56:of course father

Scene change brought to you by

The group have broken though the barrier of the Huco mundo they land on the ground and y/n looks around

Y/n:no windows

Ichigo:does that matter

Uryu:actually it does if theirs no window and the walls here are so big it's likely we're underground

Chad:underground AHHHHHHHH!!!

Chad let's out a scream from out of no where and everyone looks at him to see if he's ok he's just standing their

Chad:I am sorry I do not know where that came from

The group go and walk around

Scene change brought to you by

The group are walking down a hallway and uryu's for some reason smacks a wall and it pushes in

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The group are walking down a hallway and uryu's for some reason smacks a wall and it pushes in

Y/n:did you just do what I think you just did

Uryu:I regret what I did

Ichigo:now here me out.... What if you don't move your hand

Uryu and y/n:say what

Ichigo:if our cousin here doesn't move we'll be fine he just has to saturate here forever

Chad:that's not entire for sure but seeing how nothing had happened then we should assume this to be true

Uryu:I'm taking my hand off now

Y/n:wait no

The floor falls out firm under neath us and acting fast y/n throws everyone back unfortunately this means there was no one to catch him or was their

Amaya , Claudius and caliber all manifested and caught y/n better when could fall and they pull him back up

Time skip

The group are walking around a different hallway and Ichigo takes a step and the floor under his feet sinks with a clicking noise

Ichigo:did I just do what I think I just did

Y/n:now hear us out

Uryu:what if you don't move your foot

Chad:we would possible be safe


A giant ball starts rolling towards the group

Chad punches it and it shatters


Y/n:ok let's walks some more annnndd what the hell is that thing

A giant hand is now on the ceiling

Y/n is grabbed by Ichigo and pulled back as the group take off running


Ichigo:not my fault you wanted to look into that things eyes we need to find somewhere big enough to fight

Scene change 

The group have reached a open area and uryu and Chad are now fighting two arrancars with y/n and Ichigo in a corner watching

Y/n:wouldnt it be easier to fight those two ourself's

Ichigo:we let them have this

Uryu is fighting the big guy and it's disrupting the reshi around him not allowing him to summon his bow and Chad is fighting the smaller one and is unable to land a hit


Chad:switch why would we oh yes switch good idea


Iceswinger:like a Nintendo

The two switch

Uryu:y/n is right IV been fighting one opponent for so long that I forgot the Basics you put strength against strength and speed against speed

The battle restarts and quickly ends with uryu and Chad winning but the area they are in is collapsing they make it out to the sand

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