season 13 Part 21:the end of the first kenpachi

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Yachiru almost falls onto her knees as blood sprays from her chest before her eyes shoot open and she swings down at zaraki who blocks it on instinct

Yachiru:did you think I had died to soft you can't possibly understand why I mastered Kidou

Yachiru's body heals as she holds her free hand to her chest


Taking her free hand and running it over her Zanpakuto as it turns into blood the entire area is covered in blood


Her Zanpakuto straightens back out but is covered in blood as it drips onto the floor

Yachiru:playtime ends

Twisted smiles appear on both of their faces as zaraki let's out a battle scream as the two rush towards each other and clash blades

Zaraki:yes it melts it always melts it always melts Fun what is this

Zaraki's skins melts away and his bones begin to shows as he continues swinging his sword as yachiru's body is a complete skeleton

Zaraki:no everything ......everything is different why ahhhhhh I see at last I've been asleep in my sleep I've just been dreaming about our exchange over and over again I always thought this exchange had no Name but thanks to you I know what to call it now Thank you THIS IS FIGHTING

The two continue fighting with everything they have as if being reborn their skin returns as the lock blades twisted smiles on both faces as the skin returns covering the skulls then the hair as kenpachi yanks his sword up breaking the clash and then blocking a strike by yachiru as the smiles seem to grow even larger

Yachiru:you know kenpachi zaraki you found a way to restrain your power  so that you may enjoy fighting forever  I found a way to heal myself so that I may enjoy fighting forever the two of us are so alike however now I know that all the abilities I learned are the trick they were all for this day there is only one kenpachi in every generation that's because when a strong person finds another string person they stop using the sword for just themselves  suddenly their sword is used to either kill each other or raise the other strong person my sword . .... This boy..... This man IS THE ONLY ONE SUITED TO TAKE THE NAME KENPACHI

Zaraki pushes yachiru away before rushes yachiru sword raised a demonic smile on his face

Yachiru:thankyou... Kenpachi Zaraki

Yachiru smiles the most sincere smile she has ever geliven a smile holding love regret and sadness all in one


Kenpachi stabs yachiru through the heart having expected her to Dodge as yachiru pushes his sword out of her falling back with a peaceful smile on her face

Yachiru:excellent work kenpachi Zaraki with this it's finally over you are.... The only kenpachi now

Zaraki watches as yachiru falls to the ground appearing beside her catching her in his arms before she hits the ground cradling her body as she looks at him

Zaraki:hey we're not done.. Not yet DON'T DIE DON'T DIE

Yachiru:I'm glad your finally managed to return to your true self and you even look at me with those eyes as the true you.... It's like I thought You really are the only man worthy of the name kenpachi.... As well as the only man worthy of my own love

Yachiru eyes close as her life leaves her body kenpachi looks at this in shock he had expected her to heal herself yet she didn't how could she not as kenpachi grits his teeth before letting out a loud roar sounding like a wounded beast who could kill any who dare get to close

??? :ken-kenpachi..... Kenpachi zaraki

Kenpachi looks around shock and anger clear on his face

Kenpachi:who's there

??? :I see so you can finally hear my voice I'm so happy I'm the one closest to you then anyone else I'm pleased to finally be able to meet you like this. .... Kenpachi my name is

To be continued

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