season 8 part 15:ichigo vs ulqiuorra part 3

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Ichigo flips over ulqiuorra and tries to jab him through the head ulqiuorra moves his head to the right avoiding the attack

Ulqiuorra turns quickly batting away ichigos blade and firing a cero at ichigo who uses his speed to avoid it

Tensa Zangetsu:this is bad at the rate their going their drop from exhaustion their completely even in every way

White Zangetsu:king needs a boost in power then

Tensa:that's correct

Ichigo:*huff* huff* let's try this then

Ichigo disappears and reappears in front of ulqiuorra who goes for a stab at Ichigo who disappears and reappears behind ulqiuorra on his knees and tries to cut ulqiuorra's legs off ulqiuorra fly's upward avoiding the slash Ichigo flips his sword in his hand and swings up releasing a nameless getsuga ulqiuorra fires a cero and the two attacks collide neither one able to over power the other a explosion is the end result Ichigo disappears moving faster then normal mixing his hirenkauku (a/n:the Quincy speed technique I don't remember how to spell it) and his flash step reappearing behind ulqiuorra and slashing down ulqiuorra barely dodges it a bit of blood fly's off ulqiuorra's Wing ulqiuorra lands on the ground Wing already healed starring at Ichigo his face still stoic yes sweat clearly there

Ichigo:*huff* *huff* Damn I almost had him that time

Ichigo:damn it this is taking way to long how much longer can we keep fighting

(A/n:I'm literally asking myself this)

The two stare at each other for a moment before charging forward and Attacking the two clash as their energy flies everywhere

White:king listen up

Ichigo:little busy at the moment

White:well I was going to tell you how to win but never mind

Ulqiuorra bats Ichigo away and charges after him Ichigo lands on the ground and flips over ulqiuorra the two turn their heads and stare at the other

Ichigo:now hold on what were you going to tell him

Ichigo fires a nameless getsuga at ulqiuorra who dodges it and charges forward

White:I thought you were to busy to talk to me king

Ichigo:oh do not be that guy right now

Ichigo dodges ulqiuorra's attack but ulqiuorra flips his body and attacks again Ichigo blocks it with his blade resulting in sparks flying off their swords

White:I am going to be that guy right now you could say sorry and beg me for my help thro-



Tensa:Just help him and stop acting like a child trying to get his fathers attention

White:Fuck you


White:fuckkkkk that hurt

Ichigo flips over ulqiuorra and goes to stab him in the back but ulqiuorra flips over Ichigo Ichigo flash steps away from ulqiuorra

White:alright king how much do you trust me one half of your sword that is also a hollow

Ichigo:honestly I'm wary of you due to you personality

White:well fuck you to

Tensa:it was rather rude

Ichigo moves his head to the right as ulqiuorra zooms past him almost taking his head off

Ichigo:alright sorry TELL ME WHAT TO DO

White:well you could hand control over to me and id kill him for you in a instant but I figure you want to be the one to do it yeah


White:soo this is what you do extend your mask you need to enter a resurrection

Ichigo:........... Explain

Ichigo flips around ulqiuorra and tries to cut his head off but ulqiuorra ducks it and kicks Ichigo away

White:well basically it's like using your mask but simply have it extend all over allow it to flow around you instead of focusing it in one place like usual

Ichigo:how do I do that

Ichigo stabs tensa into the ground to stop himself from moving back and ulqiuorra appears beside him Ichigo flips his body to where tensa is holding him up and flips over the blade pulling it out in the process

White:how do you put your mask on

Ichigo:your telling me it's that easy

White:well I am half your sword spirit part of you and trying to keep ALL THREE OF US ALIVE YES IT'S THAT SIMPLE

Ichigo:ok jazz just let my hollow energy flow right

White:that's right

Ichigo fires a nameless getsuga at the sand to kick up a smoke screen

Ulqiuorra:did you really think that would stop me how foolish

Ulqiuorra goes to throw his javelin but a tornado of black and red energy stops him as he lowers his javelin and watches  curious about what's happening

The tornado begins to die down but then it becomes far more violent and pushes ulqiuorra back as if its trying to kill him ulqiuorra spins his javelin at high speeds in front of him to block the wave of energy flying at him

Once it dies down Ichigo is now seen with a different look to his bankai it looks relatively the same but his cloak now have red fur on the neck and arms and his skin is bleach white and his mask now covers one eye with a horn on it

Once it dies down Ichigo is now seen with a different look to his bankai it looks relatively the same but his cloak now have red fur on the neck and arms and his skin is bleach white and his mask now covers one eye with a horn on it

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Ichigo/white:now let's try this again

This looks like a good place to leave it yeah let me know what you think in the comments

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