Season 12 part 1:nightmare

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One week later

Y/n lays in bed asleep tossing and turning sweat drops from his forehead head

Blade against blade explosions of fire sand everywhere this continues for a while



Y/n is stabbed through the chest falling to the ground

Sephiroth:wake up

Dream end

Y/n sits up immediately putting a hand on his chest over his heart feeling for a stab wound he had thought that this wouldn't have been a problem but for days the nightmares have plagued him looking around his dark room y/n let's out a sigh of relief closing his eyes and then opening them again only to be grabbed by the throat by sephiroth y/n's eyes widen in shock

Sephiroth:good to see you y/n

Y/n wakes still in bed this time getting up and turning on his light gasping for breath and feeling around his throat looking around his room once more to see nothing his hand brushes against the necklace Rukia had given him

Y/n:what the hell that sucked

Caliber:it was a nightmare nothing more master return the bed and rest I'll keep it them at bay

Deciding to listen y/n turns off the lights and returns to his bed falling into a deep sleep


A crack as appeared in the golden theater

Caliber quickly takes notice of this and worries choosing to speak about it later

Time skip

In the way to school y/n and Ichigo and senna walk together something catches y/n's eyes as he tells Ichigo to go on ahead Ichigo does so not believing anything to be wrong senna quickly following after him as y/n walks towards a ally looking around y/n turns around but comes face to chest with Sephiroth jumping back as far as he can y/n watches as the area turns into the desert of Heuco Mundo before changing back walking into the ally y/n feels the heat of fire as a pain appears in his chest looking down y/n sees a hole like a blade had just Pierced his chest where his heart should be looking up y/n sees sephiroth

In the way to school y/n and Ichigo and senna walk together something catches y/n's eyes as he tells Ichigo to go on ahead Ichigo does so not believing anything to be wrong senna quickly following after him as y/n walks towards a ally looking arou...

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Y/n:this can't be real... This Is in my head right your dead

Sephiroth:I am

Y/n:I ki.... Amaya killed you

Sephiroth:oh you need not remind me it was the shining moment of our time together but that was then this is now I have a small favor to ask of you y/n when you face the first substitute don't drop your guard

Y/n:wha what

Y/n holds his head as he gains a strong headache

Sephiroth:it is as I said you must not drop your guard even for a instant

Y/n:your....your not real

Y/n closes his eyes tightly opening them back up to see nothing breathing slightly easier before the head ache comes back full force glancing behind him he sees out of the corner of his eye sephiroth at his side who leans down and whispers into his left ear

Sephiroth:oh I'm real while is true that my life has been taken from me the memory of me is very real

A blade finds its way through y/n's chest stabbing him through the heart as he gasps for breath The headache becomes to much for y/n who falls to the ground but a don't hand lands on y/ns head lookin up y/n sees who helped him Caliber lookin at where sephiroth would be standing y/n looks and sees nothing feeling around his chest there is nothing there just his clothes and his necklace looking towards caliber who is no longer there y/n gets up quickly as he looks at his watch and sees he's running late y/n takes off running towards the school


Caliber watched as the crack in the golden theater gets slightly worse letting out a sigh of worry she looks around to before her eyes land on to two blades in the middle of the theater locked in chains

Caliber:we're get through this

Looking back towards the crack in the theater the worry in calibers eyes grow

Caliber:won't we

To be continued

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