season 11 part 2: refusal

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Y/n sees nothing but darkness before light shines everywhere roses flying in the sky as gold appears all around him y/n opens his eyes to see his golden theater

Y/n looks around finally turning around fully seeing the spirits that live here Claudius, Caliber and Amaya y/n tilts his head in confusion as to why he was called here before the female spirits all begin to giggle slightly

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Y/n looks around finally turning around fully seeing the spirits that live here Claudius, Caliber and Amaya y/n tilts his head in confusion as to why he was called here before the female spirits all begin to giggle slightly

Claudius:performer you should know you can speak here with out the pain you would have felt in the outside world

Y/n's eyes widen slightly at this before his cheeks gain a red tint y/n obviously didn't know this fact but it does make sense so finally getting over his embarrassment y/n looks toward the girls

Y/n:why am I here

Caliber:well two reasons master

Amaya:one you heal faster while your in here as it focuses not only your mind so that you may appear in here but it also calms your spirit energy

Claudius:and two you need to learn to control your new flames while they have been completely absorbed into you this has caused your control over your flames to weaken the flames have gone almost completely out of control you evaporated the water that was around the battle field this is because of how intense the flames have become the heat is rather.....



Y/n:I see

Caliber:so while your being healed we brought you here to try and get as much control over those flames as quickly as possible

All three:well then shall we begin


Scene change location Senkaimon time just before isshin and Ichigo went in

Aizen and gin are walking through the garganata as the cleaner behind to come straight for them Aizen smirks to himself as he walks towards it

Gin:captain Aizen the cleaner shouldn't be toyed with you know this captain

Aizen's eyes glow slightly as the cleaner is completely destroyed gin with a slight look of shock looks at this

Aizen:tell me gin where you afraid of the cleaner that's good fear is necessary for evolution the fear that one could be destroyed at any moment it forces beings on any level to move even higher let go gin

Gin watches as Aizen walks past him toward the soul society gin following after Aizen

Time skip time after isshin and Ichigo have entered the garganata

Isshin:so I was right the cleaner was destroyed

Ichigo:what do you mean

Isshin:the cleaner exists here to keep people from staying in here for extended periods of time that's because time moves differently here I figured aizen would be cocky and simply walk through and stay here for to long seems I was right he was able to destroy the cleaner likely thanks to the Hoygoku

Isshin takes out a few items before throwing them at the walls they stick into the restrictive current

Isshin:now to into your inner world your have plenty of time here


Ichigo goes into a jizen state but doesn't feel the pull that he always does minutes pass of Ichigo waiting for the pull to come but it never does

Isshin:what's wrong

Ichigo:well usually when I want to go into my inner world theres a pull in my mind that I follow but right now there's nothing

Isshin:that's likely because our zanpakuto don't won't us learning this technique your find out once you go inside just focus your mind and clear your head of all distractions you won't be able to rely on your zanpakuto for this

Ichigo does as hes told forcing himself into his inner world

As his eyes close they open to see the sky of his inner world but the usual sunny day with a few clouds is not what greats him to ichigo's own shock the sky is covered with clouds dark looking as if rain could fall at any moment

Ichigo:what is this

Tensa:that is because your heart is wavering you worry that you won't be able to do anything that everyone will die and so your heart wavers unsure of itself

White:you really are a pain you know you just have to have faith in us but because your so scared this is the result the rain will soon start to fall

Ichigo looks up at the clouds shock clear on his face this is his fault because he's afraid of failing a drop of rain lands on ichigo's face knocking him out of his shocked state as he turns to face both rrepresentations of his power

Ichigo:I'm here to learn the final Getsuga Tensho

White stares at Ichigo Tensa moves his head up towards the sky as the rain has begun to fall

Both:we will not teach you such a thing

Ichigo:what why the hell not I need to learn

The rain has begun to fall even harder

Both:you won't learn it because..... You won't need it

To be continued

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