season 4 part 14:y/n vs munamasa round 2 part 1

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Y/n opens his eyes to find hi. self in a place full of water with tilted pillers

 self in a place full of water with tilted pillers

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Y/n:where am I

Munamasa:y/n kurosaki what are you doing here

Y/n:munamasa where the hell am I

Munamasa looks to the side with a slumber face

Munamasa:isn't it obvious just as your Claudius, caliber and amaya have a place to call home in your mind and soul I to have a place I could call home

Y/n:then this is koga's inner world

Munamasa:yes though I'm not sure what brought me back here could it have been my reunion with koga no matter what it is that brought me here I'm happy that fate brought you here along side me now we can finish our fight

Y/n:we only fought like once

Munamasa:and I left now let's finish were we left off just us no one to get in the way

Y/n:why do you even want to fight koga betrayed you

Munamasa:your power will nourish me and allow me to live so let's get to it y/n kurosaki

Y/n grabs Claudius and unleashes caliber

Y/n:fine let's go

The two take off towards each other ready for battle they clash as Claudius and munamasa's sword battle for superiority

(A/n:wait munamasa is using his sword form he has literally been beating the shit out of people with himself then again the same thing could be said about reapers to since a zanpakuto is a manifestation of their soul they beatt he shit out of people with their own soul....... You know I can respect that)

Y/n swings caliber form the side as munamasa has go jump back to avoid having his head chopped off

Munamasa raises his hand up and y/n swings caliber sending off a wave of wind but y/n is caught in something invisible as he can now long move all he can do us scream in pain as his body seems to be Compressing itself



Y/n:think there's gotta be a way out of this if I can just move my body

Amaya:my king look down in the water


Y/n looks down at the water to see his reflection munamasa's reflection and what appears to be hands/ tentacles wrapping around his body

Y/n:....the REFLECTION

Y/n charges the wind around caliber

Munamasa:it's useless

Y/n:need more power

Y/n pushes his spirit energy into caliber as the blade begins to shine brightly as a golden light begins to twist and turn


The light blasts off of the blade and hits the water as the ripples and water raises and falls like rain y/n is released

Y/n:I figured it out you use the reflection in the surface beneath us but when that reflection is disrupted you can't do it SO!!!

Y/n swings both his swords down as wind light and fire come straight off the blades hitting the water causing steam and water to come up and fall like rain

Y/n:if you can't make your reflections you can't wrap me up and keep me from moving

Y/n goes to seeing at munamasa as Claudius passes right through his body  and then munamasa's body disappears as he reappears behind y/n

Munamasa:your a fool if you believe releasing Zanpakuto and the reflection Abbilitys are my only techniques

Y/n goes to attack munamasa once more but his body disappears once more multiple munamasa's appear in a circle y/n in the middle


Y/n spins in a circle as fire comes off of Claudius the munamasa's disappear but then one reappears behind y/n and is cut across the back


Munamasa:you can't win

Y/n:we're see

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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